Mario-themed minesweeper clone, written in Java using Swing and AWT.
This was written for a high school programming course, Programming 12. This was created to mimick the original WINMINE that was released with the Windows Entertainment Pack. There will be no further updates for features, but feel free to open issues on bugs.
There are a few extra features included.
- Music selection: choose from 6 soundtracks
- Change tile set: change the the mine image
- Detailed high score panel: view your recent games and average times
There are some key gameplay differences between this version and original.
- The timer starts at 0, not 1.
- Chording (double clicking/middle clicking) does NOT follow your mouse drag.
- Java Runtime Environment
- Maven
Clone this repository:
git clone
In the project directory, run the following in command line or terminal:
mvn clean package
Then run target/minesweeper-1.0.jar
java -jar "${project_directory}/target/minesweeper-1.0.jar"
Alternatively, the project can be run in your IDE by opening
NOTE: highscores.sav must be in the base directory.
This project was for educational purposes only. Images and music are property of Nintendo Co., Ltd. Use at your own risk.