I couldn’t find anything up to date that worked on rails that was paranoid about escaping and protecting the shell so I wrote my own.
I’m actively using this on my project called Servly.
You can call ‘live’ RRD graphs (ie when a page loads, have an Ajax.Updater load another page that actually graphs the RRd you want)
This works fine under my tests with graphing about 7 RRD’s at the same time.
Actually write some tests…
cd vendor/plugins && git clone git://github.com/bluescripts/rails_rrdtool.git rails_rrdtool
If you intend on using this in your rails app you need to (or should) put these inside your application_controller.rb file
# path to RRD tool in your environment…. /opt/local/bin is for MAC OSX ports
def rrd_tool
if RAILS_ENV==“development”
return “/opt/local/bin/rrdtool”
return “rrdtool”
# the path to your RRD store (if your app was in /home/app it would go to /home/app/rrd/)
def rrd_path
return Dir.pwd << “/rrd/”
end# the path to your RRD images
def rrd_image_path
return Dir.pwd << “/public/rrd/”
end# the web path to your RRD images
def rrd_image_url
if RAILS_ENV==“development”
return “/rrd/”
return “/rrd/”
example usage:
RRD.create(‘/test.rrd’, {:step => 300, :heartbeat => 600, :ds => [ {:name => “test”, :type => "GAUGE"},
{:name => “josh”, :type => "GAUGE"} ] , :xff => “.5”,
:rra => [ {:type => “max”, :steps => 20, :rows => 1} ] })
first value is a path to the rrd db, the 2nd param is a hash of keys and values
:ds is an array containing hashes for each DataSource (DS) type in the db
:xff is the x files factor (see RRD website for more info on this), range is acceptable between 0 and 1
:rra is a array containing hashes with RRA types and corresponding values
example usage:
RD.update(‘/test/path.rrd’, [“123”, “456”, 1234])
RRD.update(‘/test/path.rrd’, [“123”, “456a”, 1234])
first param is path to rrd db
2nd param will return data string of 123:456:1234 (each value is sanitized, only numeric values accepted)
to be passed as the data values to be passed to the db
example usage:
RRD.graph(‘/test/path.rrd’,‘/test/path.png’, {:ago => Time.now.advance(:hours => -12), :width => 500, :height => 200, :image_type => “PNG”, :title => “Memory 12hr test”, :defs => [ {:key => “free”, :type => “AVERAGE”, :rpn => “AREA”, :color => “C32227”, :title => “Free Memory” }, {:key => “used”, :type => “AVERAGE”, :rpn => “AREA”, :color => “932D0C”, :title => “Used Memory” } ] , :base => 1024, :vlabel => “gb”, :lowerlimit => 0})
first param is path to rrd
second param is path to store graphed image
third is hash of params
variables for DEF’s are taken care of programatically
Required params
:ago is when to start from, a Time object ( Time.now )
:width, :height
:defs => array of hashes
- [:defs][:key] => The DB data key
- [:defs][:type] => RRA Type
- [:defs][:rpn] => RPN Type
- [:defs][:color] => Hex Color: (accepts: 001122 but not #001122)
- [:defs][:title] => Title for this DEF
Optional params