Library of components for Algolia on angular.
So :
- Components may change, appear from nowhere or disapear in a black hole (it happens)
- Documentation may not be accurate and no up to date
npm install -save @tagazok/algolia-angular-components
Import the AlgoliaModule and the AlgoliaService in your app
import { AlgoliaModule, AlgoliaService } from '@tagazok/algolia-angular-components'
Load the module into your app passing
imports: [
AlgoliaModule.forRoot({appId: 'YOUR_APP_ID', apiKey: 'YOUR_APP_KEY'}),
export class AppModule { }
You are now ready to use the components in your app \o/
Displays a search bar that triggers a live search
<app-algolia-search [index]="'ikea'" [hitsPerPage]="16" [placeHolder]="Enter text..."></app-algolia-search>
Parameters :
- index : The algolia index
- hitsPerPage : The maximum number of results you want the research to return (default is 12)
- placeHolder : The placeholder of the input (default is "Search")
Displays the results of your research in a custom template
<template let-item="item">
<!-- The html template of a single result item -->
Displays facet and manage filters on click.
<app-algolia-facets [attribute]="'materials'"[label]="'Material'" [limit]="'10'" [selectedcssclass]="'selected-filter'">
<template let-item="item">
<!-- The html of a single result item -->
<!-- ex : {{item.key}} <span class="facet-val">({{item.val}})</span> -->
<!-- ex : <div class="facet-color" []="item.key"> </div> -->
Parameters :
- attribute : The attribute of which you want the facet
- label : The label of the List (may be removed in future release... not sure yet)
- limit : The maximum number of results per facets
- selectedcssclass : The class to apply when a facet value is selected for filtering the query
Simply displays the stats of the result of the research
Allows you to specify how you want your result to be sorted.
<app-algolia-sort [indices]="sortIndices" [label]="'Sort by'"></app-algolia-sort>
Parameters :
- label : The placeholder/title of the search field (will be removed in future release as md- has been removed)
- indices : List of items to sort with. Exemple :
const sortIndices = [
{value: 'ikea', label: 'Featured'},
{value: 'ikea_price_asc', label: 'Price asc.'},
{value: 'ikea_price_desc', label: 'Price desc.'}
Add pagination to navigate in your results
<app-algolia-pagination [padding]="2"></app-algolia-pagination>
Parameters :
- padding : See +/- n page numbers (default is 3 if not specified)
Display Stars, usefull for ratings
<app-algolia-stars [value]="3" [min]="1" [max]="5"></app-algolia-stars>
Parameters : min: The minimum value (default is 0); max: The maximum value to display empty stars value : The number of plain stars
- See what we can do with css customisation
- [DONE] Better algolia-result customisation (row / card / column views)
- manage OR request for filters.
- In algolia-stats. Add attribute to choose which stat to display (# and time)
- Add prev / new arrow on pagination
- "Filter" by component
- Automatic routes change when whanging page or filter, etc
This app has been built with the components of this library with the idea of Algolia e-commerce demo app
To be published very soon on github :)
View on Chrome (see Ipad and Nexus 5X screenshots)
Created using