When you support universal links, iOS users can tap a link to your website and get seamlessly redirected to your installed app without going through Safari. If your app isn’t installed, tapping a link to your website opens your website in Safari.
- 创建一个 ==apple-app-site-association== 文件,其中包含有关您的应用可以处理的URL的JSON数据。参考数据见下:
"activitycontinuation": {
"apps": []},
"applinks": {
"apps": [],
"details": [
"appID": "23P8M9VEK5.com.comtop.eoa",
"paths": ["*"]
- 将 ==apple-app-site-association== 文件上传到您的HTTPS Web服务器。 您可以将该文件放在服务器的根目录或.well-known子目录中。参考文件链接
- 准备您的应用程序来处理通用链接。参考下图:
设置成功后,在entitlements File中有相同的配置
- 操作成功后的效果图