________________________ / \ ,--. / | | |___________________________________________/_____________________ | | |_________________________________________________________________) | | | \ | `--' \ | \________________________/ Veslo: a vacancy aggregation engine
The preferred way to install is through docker-compose.
You need to have a Docker daemon at least 17.05.0-ce
(with build-time ARG
) to successfully cook all containers.
Run an automated deploy script for local development with Docker.
$ bin/deploy_dev.sh
Roadmap configurations were not automatically loaded by the script, you need to insert them manually with a separate command.
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load \
--group roadmap.configuration.parameters \
Up to 120 sec may be required for starting up the vacancy parsing process.
You can clone and deploy the application with your own environment
by providing .env
file using .env.dev.dist
as a template.
Below are steps to prepare your application before accessing through a web server.
$ git clone git@github.com:symfony-doge/veslo.git veslo && cd "$_"
// setup your own connection parameters
$ cp .env.dev.dist .env
$ cp app/config/parameters.yml.dist app/config/parameters.yml
$ cp webpack.env.dev.js.dist webpack.env.js
Check your environment for Symfony requirements and install PHP dependencies via Composer. You also need the php-ds extension for some services working with efficient PHP 7 data structures.
$ bin/symfony_requirements
$ composer install
Install Javascript dependencies and compile assets via Yarn (Node.js 10.x is required).
$ yarn install
$ yarn run build:dev
Apply database migrations.
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate latest
Load roadmap configurations.
$ bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group roadmap.configuration.parameters --append
Loading fixtures.
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --group test
Applying Codeception parameters.
$ cp parameters.codeception.dev.yml.dist parameters.codeception.yml
Executing tests.
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/codecept run --steps
FOUND (initial place)
| to_parse
------------> PARSED
| to_collect
------------> COLLECTED
| to_index
------------> INDEXED
There is a set of log files suited for debugging an each workflow transition.
Log file | Description |
dev.anthill.digging-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
Search process (to_parse) |
dev.anthill.parsing-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
Parsing process (to_collect) |
dev.anthill.collecting-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
Saving in local storage (to_index) |
dev.sanity.indexing-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
Analysis |
dev.app.workflow-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
Queue get/push events (data distribution between workers) |
dev.app.http-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
Dumping all HTTP requests/responses (works if app.http_client.logging is true ) |
dev-YYYY-mm-dd.log |
A common Symfony log file |
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/console veslo:anthill:digging hh php --iterations=1
Finds a vacancy from job site by roadmap (search plan) and configuration.
Search result will be offered to parsing queue,
according to current workflow (default veslo.app.workflow.vacancy_research.to_parse
Available roadmaps are defined in AnthillBundle/Resources/config/roadmaps.yml
and configurations in AnthillBundle/Resources/fixtures/roadmap/
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/console veslo:anthill:parsing --iterations=1
Polls a new raw vacancy data (html/json etc.) for parsing.
Result will be offered to collecting queue
(default veslo.app.workflow.vacancy_research.to_collect
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/console veslo:anthill:collecting --iterations=1
Grabs a parsed vacancy data (instance of AnthillBundle/Dto/Vacancy/RawDto
and decides whether should it be collected for analysis or not.
Result will be persisted in the local storage and offered to the indexing queue
(default veslo.app.workflow.vacancy_research.to_index
$ docker-compose run --rm app bin/console veslo:sanity:indexing --iterations=1
Sends an accepted vacancy to the microservice for analysis (see ANALYSER_HOST
and persists received metadata in the local storage. Remote service implements
API defined by symfony-doge/ministry-of-truth-client bridge.
Example (Go + Gin): symfony-doge/ministry-of-truth-cis.
- hh (configurations:
- symfony-doge/management-kit — A set of monitoring & management GUI tools to manage data & processes of this project.
All notable changes to this project will be documented in CHANGELOG.md.