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OpenFOAM® wth OpenMP® target offloading (using HMM) - AMD MI Instinct™

To take advantage of the Heterogeneous Memory Management support on advanced devices, OpenFOAM is ported with OpenMP target offloading. The scripts in this repository can be used to configure and build OpenFOAM with HMM support.


The following dependencies must be resolved for a successful build on A+A platforms.

  1. CMake (>3.22)
  2. ROCm™ (> 6.0.0)
  3. Clang-17 or latest with HMM and device support. (Comes packaged with ROCm)
  4. MPI (tested with openmpi-v4.1.5) [Build Instructions]
  5. UMPIRE (tested with v6.0.0) [Build Instructions]


  • The instructions here describe how to configure and install OpenFOAM on AMD platforms with MI Instinct™ cards (A+A).
  • To build OpenFOAM on NVIDIA platforms with CUDA, read the instuctions in README-cuda

Setup environment

  1. Setup the ENV variables that are used by OpenFOAM
export MPI_PATH=<path-to>/ompi
export UMPIRE_PATH=<path-to>/umpire-6.0.0
export ROCM_PATH=<path-to>/rocm-version

Build OpenFOAM

Once the environment is correctly setup, a convenient script is included here, which can be executed with following options:

$ ./ -h

This is a build script designed to configure and install OpenFOAM with OpenMP offloading using HMM.
usage: ./

       -h | --help          Prints the usage
       [--prefix]           Base installation directory, defaults to CWD
       [--openfoam-version] OpenFOAM version (e.g.: 2206, etc.)
       [--cuda]             Build for NVIDIA platforms with CUDA
       [--load-benchmark]   Load OpenFOAM HPC Benchmarks
       [--load-benchmark-only]  Skip build and load the benchmakrs only
  • --prefix can be used to specify a particular path/directory. By default, the current working dir (pwd) is considered.
  • --openfoam-version is used to specify the OpenFOAM version to install. The OpenMP port is based on OpenFOAM-v2206 and has been updated for v2312.
  • --load-benchmark configures and builds the benchmark (HPC_motorbike Large) case which will be used for performance measurements.

To install OpenFOAM, run the script as:

./ --openfoam-version 2206 --load-benchmark

Successful installation

A successful installation with script will print the following:

Done OpenFOAM Allwmake

Check OpenFOAM installation
use: foamInstallationTest
Executing foamInstallationTest

Basic setup :
OpenFOAM:            OpenFOAM-v2206
ThirdParty:          ThirdParty-v2206
Shell:               bash
Host:                <hostname>
OS:                  Linux version 5.18.2-<platform>-ubuntu-22.04+

Main OpenFOAM env variables :
Environment           FileOrDirectory                          Valid      Crit
$WM_PROJECT_USER_DIR  /home/user/OpenFOAM/user-v2206            no        no
$WM_THIRD_PARTY_DIR   /home/user/OpenFOAM/ThirdParty-v2206      yes       maybe
$WM_PROJECT_SITE      [env variable unset]                                no

OpenFOAM env variables in PATH :
Environment           FileOrDirectory                          Valid Path Crit
$WM_PROJECT_DIR       /home/user/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v2206        yes  yes  yes

$FOAM_APPBIN          .../platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/bin  yes  yes  yes
$FOAM_SITE_APPBIN     .../platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/bin  no        no
$FOAM_USER_APPBIN     .../platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/bin  no        no
$WM_DIR               /home/user/OpenFOAM/OpenFOAM-v2206/wmake  yes  yes  often

OpenFOAM env variables in LD_LIBRARY_PATH :
Environment           FileOrDirectory                          Valid Path Crit
$FOAM_LIBBIN          .../platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/lib  yes  yes  yes
$FOAM_SITE_LIBBIN     .../platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/lib  no        no
$FOAM_USER_LIBBIN     .../platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/lib  no        no
$FOAM_EXT_LIBBIN      ...206/platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32/lib  yes  yes  maybe
$MPI_ARCH_PATH        /opt/ompi-llvm-4.1.5                      yes  yes  yes

Software Components
Software     Version    Location  
flex         2.6.4      /usr/bin/flex                                          
make         4.3        /usr/bin/make                                          
wmake        2206       ...don/rocshore/OpenFOAM_HMM/OpenFOAM-v2206/wmake/wmake
clang        17.0.0     /opt/rocm-6.0.0/llvm/bin/clang                   
clang++      17.0.0     /opt/rocm-6.0.0/llvm/bin/clang++                 
icoFoam      exists     ...M-v2206/platforms/linux64ClangDPInt32Opt/bin/icoFoam

Base configuration ok.
Critical systems ok.


## Configuring HPC_motorbike case...

Running the HPC_motorbike benchmark

Before running the benchmark ensure that MPI_PATH, ROCM_PATH and UMPIRE_PATH are correctly setup in your environment, else OpenFOAM enviroment and executables will not be loaded. Source the enviroment with:

cd <your-path-to>/OpenFOAM-v2206
source scripts/

To run the bechmark, a convenient script is included:

$ ./ -h

usage: ./

       -h | --help      Prints the usage
       -c | --clean     Clean the case directory
       -d | --device    Specify target to offload to CUDA or HIP (default: HIP)
       -g | --ngpus     #GPUs to be used (between 1-4), defaults to 1
       -j | --threads   #OpenMP threads (default: 1)
       -n | --mpi-ranks #MPI ranks to be used. (default ranks=gpus)
       -l | --log-suffix user-defined name/suffix to add to logs (default: apu)
       -t | --time-steps #time-steps to run for (default: 20) 
       -r | --run-only  skip mesh build, and directly run the case
  • -g can be used to sepcify the number of devices that must be used. Currently the script is designed to run with max. 4 devices.
  • -d can be used to specify target offloading to device HIP or CUDA (Default: HIP)
  • -n specified the number of MPI ranks that must be used. (Default: ranks=gpus)
  • -t to change the number of time-steps/iterations to run for. (Default:, 20 time-steps)
  • -j prescribes the number of OpenMP threads that can be used. (Default: 1 thread)
  • -r can be used to skip mesh generation phase and run the solvers directly. NOTE: This can save time (>30mins) provided the mesh is already generated. Thus, it is recommended that when re-running the benchmark with a different -g, -n, -j, or -t after the first successful run, use this option to save computational time.
  • -l is optional and can be used to specify the name/suffix for naming the log* files dumped during the simulations, and to help in housekeeping.

For first time execution, when no mesh exists, use the command:

./ -g N

where N is the number of GPUs (the script is designed to extract MAX_DEVICES) availble on the system. Once the mesh is generated, for the subsequent runs, use:

./ -r -g N

For example, for first run, with 1 GPU:

./ -g 1

and then for a subsequent run, with 4 GPUs:

./ -r -g 4

Successful run

A successful run should look like:

Time = 20

diagonalPBiCGStab:  Solving for Ux, Initial residual = 0.0012770619467, Final residual = 9.68393190595e-05, No Iterations 13
diagonalPBiCGStab:  Solving for Uy, Initial residual = 0.058762886126, Final residual = 0.00414545948022, No Iterations 11
diagonalPBiCGStab:  Solving for Uz, Initial residual = 0.0245825566577, Final residual = 0.00185066934045, No Iterations 12
snGrad: line 52
in PCG
diagonalPCG:  Solving for p, Initial residual = 0.0134491004365, Final residual = 0.000133887686834, No Iterations 234
time step continuity errors : sum local = 0.000408001378213, global = 1.83175309432e-05, cumulative = 0.000657052277727
test_type: T==Foam::Vector<double>
diagonalPBiCGStab:  Solving for omega, Initial residual = 0.000194058179271, Final residual = 1.8420802286e-05, No Iterations 2
bounding omega, min: -2891.51191655 max: 1302799.38762 average: 4493.30914702
diagonalPBiCGStab:  Solving for k, Initial residual = 0.00208209895293, Final residual = 0.000163406832348, No Iterations 2
I AM IN kOmegaSSTBase<BasicEddyViscosityModel>::correctNut
ExecutionTime = 548 s  ClockTime = 1571 s


  case     : <path-to>/OpenFOAM_HMM/HPC_Benchmark/incompressible/simpleFoam/HPC_motorbike/Large/v1912
  log      : log.simpleFoam-1-ranks-1-apu
  database : <path-to>/OpenFOAM_HMM/OpenFOAM-v2206/bin/tools/foamLog.db
  awk file : logs/foamLog.awk
  files to : logs

Executing: awk -f logs/foamLog.awk log.simpleFoam-1-ranks-1-apu

Generated XY files for:
    1. Execution Time     (s): 548
    2. Time per Time-Step (s): 6.44


  • A is included and is called during the run that helps set the affinity. A basic implementation is provided that uses Socket 0 and associated GPUs + CPUs for the runs.
  • The FOMs shown are for depiction and actual data may change with more porting and optimisations.
  • To keep track of progress, at the top of the run, the git commit and config is displayed:
Running HPC_motorbike (Large) benchmark

MPI Ranks       : 1
APUs/GPUs       : 1
Platform        : HIP
Git commit      : git-hash -- git-branch

Configuring Dependencies

Buid OpenMPI

To build OpenMPI, use the ./ script. Ensure that correct versions of UCX, OMPI, and their intended paths (in --prefix) are provided, and then run with:


NOTE: If you want to install MPI library in /usr, /opt and any other system level directory, then you'll need to run the script with sudo, as:

sudo ./


To build, Umpire 6.0.0, use the following steps:

  1. git clone --progress --recursive -b v6.0.0
  2. navigate to build dir: mkdir -p build && cd build:
  3. Configure and build with CMake (and sudo if necessary):
cmake \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="<path-to-install>" \

make -j $(nproc)
sudo make install -j $(nproc)


Build scripts for OpenFOAM with or without GPUs






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