Collection of interesting articles/newsletters/blogs/videos - related to software engineering, I've surfed online and learned about. Thank you internet and chatgpt. Creating a repo for my memory dump. I've tried to add as many references from where I read the articles about, but may have missed few.
Abbreviations in doc hyperlinked:
: video reference link_al
: article/page reference link
Table of contents (rough overview):
- mDumpSWE
- Understand_read_again_summarise
- Kafka
- Airflow
- Dask
- Spark
- Hadoop
- Databricks, Snowflake, Pinot
- MultiThreading_Synchronous_Asynchronous_Programming
- CPU_Intensive_vs_IO_Bound_Processes
- Concurrency_vs_Parallelism
- Threads_vs_Process
- CPU_Threads_vs_Cores
- Generators_Iterables_Coroutines
- Python
- Java
- AWS_Services
- Database_internals
- SQL Functions
- Linux_internals_and_commands
- Webhooks_APIs_Websockets
- Docker
- JSON vs Protobuf
- Git
- Data_transformation_info
- Control Plane vs Data Plane
- Opensource_Github_repos_knowledge_extraction
- Info_Miscellaneous
- Books_ResearchPapers_read
- videosInsightful
- (Directory currently removed as it increased repo size, though videos list can be seen in this git commit history)
- Ci-Cd-Deployments
- Flink
- FastApi-Celery