Codeception PHP Testing Framework is designed to work just out of the box. This means its installation requires minimal steps and no external dependencies preinstalled (except PHP, of course). Only one configuration step should be taken and you are ready to test your web application from an eye of actual user.
PHP version minimum 5.4
PHP Composer component
Open you terminal
Go to /var/www/html/ & create a directory , I create a directory name as codecept_project"
Create a composer.json file & past the folling contain..
"require" :{
"require-dev": {
"codeception/codeception": "2.0.8"
- Go to your created directory
$ cd /var/www/html/codecept_project/
$ composer install --dev
- You can see a directory has been created name like "vendor", then run the following command
$ php codecept.phar bootstrap
- Generate your first acceptance test. Acceptance tests emulate behavior of a real user visiting your site.
$ php codecept.phar generate:cept acceptance Welcome
- Configure Acceptance Tests
Please make sure your local dev serveris running. Put application URL into: tests/acceptance.suite.yml
class_name: AcceptanceGuy
enabled: [PhpBrowser, AcceptanceHelper]
url: '{YOUR APP'S URL}'
- Run
php codecept.phar run
- If you did everything right and your app has "Home" text on frontpage you will see this in output
Suite acceptance started
Trying to ensure that frontpage works (WelcomeCept.php) - Ok
Suite functional started
Suite unit started
Time: 1 second, Memory: 21.00Mb
OK (1 test, 1 assertions)
That's it.