An Ansible Role to install and configure GLPI. You must have a Web Server, php and MariaDB on your server. This role is tested only with Apache.
The prerequisites recommanded on the official GLPI docummentation are:
- A web server (Apache, Nginx, IIS, etc.)
- MariaDB >= 10.2 or MySQL >= 5.7
- PHP 7.4 or higher
- PHP extensions (mandatory):
- ctype
- curl
- gd (picture generation)
- iconv
- intl
- json
- mbstring
- mysqli
- session
- simplexml
- zlib
- PHP extensions (optionnal)
- exif (security enhancement on images validation)
- imap (mail collector and users authentication)
- ldap (users authentication)
- openssl (encrypted communication)
- sodium (performances enhancement on sensitive data encryption/decryption)
- zip and bz2 (installation of zip and bz2 packages from marketplace)
You can use supertarto.apache, supertarto.mariadb and supertarto.php to install those beforehand with ansible
- Debian 11 (Bullseye)
- Debian 12 (Bookworm)
The GLPI version and the package name.
glpi_version: 10.0.16
glpi_version_package: glpi-10.0.16.tgz
Set to "true" if you want to perform the final installation automatically. It configure the database for the first time. Else, you'll have to end it with your web browser. Don't use it when you update and your database is already configured. The task will crash, cause it's not meant for update.
glpi_auto_install: false
Set glpi_update to "true" if you want to force an reinstallation. The URL use the glpi_version an the package name.
glpi_update: false
glpi_download_url: "{{ glpi_version }}/{{ glpi_version_package }}"
GLPI web owner, group and installation path.
glpi_web_owner: "www-data"
glpi_web_group: "www-data"
glpi_install_path: /var/www
Information about the GLPI database.
glpi_db_host: "localhost"
glpi_db_port: "3306"
glpi_db_name: "glpi"
glpi_db_user: "glpi"
glpi_db_password: "changeit!"
- hosts: all
- role: supertarto.apache
- role: supertarto.mariadb
- role: supertarto.php
- role: supertarto.glpi
- php8.2
- php8.2-gd
- php8.2-mysql
- php8.2-curl
- php8.2-imap
- php8.2-json
- php8.2-ldap
- php8.2-mbstring
- php8.2-xml
- php8.2-cli
- php8.2-xmlrpc
- php8.2-intl
- php-apcu
- php-cas
- php8.2-zip
- php8.2-bz2
glpi_db_host: "localhost"
glpi_db_port: "3306"
glpi_db_name: "glpi"
glpi_db_user: "glpi"
glpi_db_password: "changeit!"
apache_create_vhosts: true
apache_vhosts_filename: "glpi.conf"
- listen_ip: "*"
listen_port: 80
server_name: host1
documentroot: "/var/www/glpi/public"
serveradmin: admin@localhost
custom_param: |
ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined
LogLevel warn
- path: "/var/www/glpi"
config: |
AllowOverride All
Order deny,allow
allow from all
mariadb_use_dump_script: false
- name: "{{ glpi_db_name }}"
- name: "{{ glpi_db_user }}"
host: "{{ glpi_db_host }}"
password: "{{ glpi_db_password }}"
ansible-galaxy role install supertarto.glpi
GPL V3.0