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StreamNative Managed Cloud

This repository contains Terraform modules for the management of StreamNative's vendor access to a Cloud Provider.


The modules are organized by Cloud Provider. For example, the AWS modules are in the modules/aws directory and the GCP modules are in the modules/gcp, and for Azure the modules are in the modules/azure directory.

More detailed documentation can be viewed in the respective module directory.


Using AWS module

Run the following terraform file within your AWS profile:

provider "aws" {
  region = <YOUR_REGION>

module "sn_managed_cloud" {
  source = ""

  external_id = "<YOUR_SNCLOUD_ORG_ID>"

Using GCP module

Run the following terraform file within your GCP credentials:

provider "google" {
  project = "<YOUR_PROJECT>"

module "sn_managed_cloud" {
  source = ""

  project = "<YOUR_PROJECT>"
  streamnative_org_id = "<YOUR_SNCLOUD_ORG_ID>"

Using Azure module

Run the following terraform file within your Azure credentials:

provider "azurerm" {
  features {


provider "azuread" {}

module "sn_cloud_manager" {
  source = ""

  streamnative_org_id     = "<YOUR_SNCLOUD_ORG_ID>"
  resource_group_location = "<RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION>"

module "sn_managed_cloud" {
  source = ""

  streamnative_org_id     = "<YOUR_SNCLOUD_ORG_ID>"
  resource_group_name     = "<RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME>"
  resource_group_location = "<RESOURCE_GROUP_LOCATION>"

  sn_automation_principal_id = module.sn_cloud_manager.sn_automation_principal_id
  sn_automation_client_id = module.sn_cloud_manager.sn_automation_client_id
  sn_support_principal_id = module.sn_cloud_manager.sn_support_principal_id
  sn_support_client_id = module.sn_cloud_manager.sn_support_client_id

  depends_on = [

output "subscription_id" {
  value       = module.sn_managed_cloud.subscription_id
  description = "The subscription ID of the AKS cluster"

output "tenant_id" {
  value       = module.sn_managed_cloud.tenant_id
  description = "The tenant ID of the AKS cluster"

output "client_id" {
  value       = module.sn_managed_cloud.sn_automation_client_id
  description = "The client ID of the sn automation service principal for StreamNative Cloud automation"

output "support_client_id" {
  value       = module.sn_managed_cloud.sn_support_client_id
  description = "The client ID of the sn support service principal for StreamNative Cloud support access"

output "resource_group_name" {
  value       = module.sn_managed_cloud.resource_group_name
  description = "The name of the resource group where the AKS cluster will be created"


Examples of the modules can be found in the examples directory.

Details on the modules themselves and their requirements can be found in their respective README files, contained in the modules directory.