Is a useful tool for running stepped or iterative workflows inside your Rails application.
Define a workflow and launch your user into it:
class SignupJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :after_signup do
step :remind_of_tasks, wait: 2.days do
step :onboarding_complete, wait: 15.days do
SignupJourney.create!(hero: current_user)
Add the gem to the application's Gemfile, and then generate and run the migration
$ bundle add stepper_motor
$ bundle install
$ bin/rails g stepper_motor:install --uuid # Pass "uuid" if you are using UUID for your primary and foreign keys
$ bin/rails db:migrate
solves a real, tangible problem in Rails apps - tracking activities over long periods of time. It does so in a durable, reentrant and consistent manner, utilizing the guarantees provided by your relational database you already have.
Most of our applications have workflows which have to happen in steps. They pretty much always have some things in common:
- We want just one workflow of a certain type per user or per business transaction
- We want only one parallel execution of a unique workflow at a time
- We want the steps to be explicitly idempotent
- We want visibility into the step our workflow is in, what step it is going to enter, what step it has left
While Rails provides great abstractions for "inline" actions induced via APIs or web requests in the form of ActionController, and great abstractions for single "unit of work" tasks via ActiveJob - these are lacking if one wants true idempotency and correct state tracking throughout multiple steps. When a workflow like this has to be implemented in a system, the choice usually goes out to a number of possible solutions:
- Trying ActiveJob-specific "batch" workflows, such as Sidekiq Pro's batches or good_job batches
- State machines attached to an ActiveRecord, via tools like aasm or state_machine_enum - locking and controlling transitions then usually falls on the developer
- Adopting a complex solution like, with the app relegated to just executing parts of the workflow
We believe all of these solutions do not quite hit the "sweet spot" where step workflows would integrate well with Rails.
- Most Rails apps already have a perfectly fit transactional, durable data store - the main database
- The devloper should not have intimate understanding of DB atomicity and ActiveRecord
to have step workflows - It should not be necessary to configure a whole extra service (like just for supporting those workflows. A service like that should be a part of your monolith, not an external application. It should not be necessary to talk to that service using complex, Ruby-unfriendly protocols and interfaces like gRPC.
So, StepperMotor aims to give you "just enough of Temporal-like functionality" for most Rails-bound workflows. Without extra dependencies, network calls, services or having to learn extra languages. So let's dive in.
StepperMotor is built around the concept of a Journey
. A Journey
is a sequence of steps happening to a hero
- once launched, the journey will run until it either finishes or cancels. A Journey
is just an ActiveRecord
model, with all the persistence methods you already know and use.
Steps are defined inside the Journey as blocks, and they run in the context of the Journey
model. The following constraints apply:
- For any one Journey, only one Fiber/Thread/Process may be performing a step on it
- For any one Journey, only one step can be executing at any given time
- For any
, multiple different Journeys may exist and be in different stages of completion
The step
blocks get executed in the context of the Journey
model instance. This is done so that you can define helper methods in the Journey
subclass, and make good use of them. A Journey links to just one record - the hero
Add the gem to the application's Gemfile, and then generate and run the migration
$ bundle add stepper_motor
$ bundle install
$ bin/rails g stepper_motor:install
$ bin/rails db:migrate
Define a workflow and launch your user into it:
class SignupJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :after_signup do
step :remind_of_tasks, wait: 2.days do
step :onboarding_complete_, wait: 15.days do
class SignupController
def create
# ...your other business actions
SignupJourney.create!(hero: current_user)
redirect_to user_root_path(current_user)
Let's examine a simple single-step journey. Imagine you have a user that is about to churn, and you want to keep sending them drip emails until they churn in the hope that they will reconvert. The Journey will likely look like this:
class ChurnPreventionJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step do
cancel! if hero.subscription_lapses_at > 120.days.from_now
time_remaining_until_expiry_ = hero.subscription_lapses_at - Time.current
if time_remaining_until_expiry > 1.days
send_next_reminder_after = (time_remaining_until_expiry / 2).in_days.floor
reattempt!(wait: send_next_reminder_after.days)
# If the user has churned - let the journey finish, as there is nothing to do
ChurnPreventionJourney.create(hero: user)
In this case we have just one step
which is going to be repeated. When we decide to repeat a step (if the user still has time to reconnect with the business), we postpone its execution by a certain amount of time - in this case, half the days remaining on the user's subscription. If a user rescubscribes, we cancel!
the only step of the Journey
, after which it gets marked finished
in the database.
As our second example, let's check out a drip campaign which inceitivises a user with bonuses as their account nears termination.
class ReengagementJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :first do
cancel! if reengaged?
hero.bonus_programs.create!(type: BonusProgram::REENGAGEMENT)
hero.push_anayltics_event!(event: "reengagement_touchpoint", properties: {step: 1})
step :second, wait: 14.days do
cancel! if reengaged?
hero.bonus_programs.create!(type: BonusProgram::DISCOUNT)
hero.push_anayltics_event!(event: "reengagement_touchpoint", properties: {step: 2})
step :third, wait: 7.days do
cancel! if reengaged?
hero.bonus_programs.create!(type: BonusProgram::DOUBLE_DISCOUNT)
hero.push_anayltics_event!(event: "reengagement_touchpoint", properties: {step: 3})
step :final, wait: 3.days do
cancel! if reengaged?
hero.push_anayltics_event!(event: "reengagement_touchpoint", properties: {step: 4})
def reengaged?
# If the user purchased anything after this journey started,
# consider them "re-engaged"
hero.purchases.where("created_at > ?", created_at).any?
In this instance, we split our workflow in a number of steps - 4 in total. After the first step (:first
) we wait for 14 days before executing the next one. 7 days later - we run another one. We end with closing the user's account. If the user has reengaged at any step, we mark the Journey
as canceled
Imagine a user on your platform has requested their account to be deleted. Usually you do some archiving before deletion, to preserve some data that can be useful in aggregate - just scrubbing the PII. You also change the user information so that the user does not show up in the normal application flows anymore.
class AccountErasureJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :deactivate_user do
step :remove_authentication_tokens do
step :archive_pseudonymized_data do
DatapointArchive.create(name> "user-#{}-datapoints.gz") do |io|
CSV(io) do |csv|
csv << hero.datapoints.first.attributes.keys
hero.datapoints.each do |datapoint|
csv << Pseudonymizer.scrub(datapoint.attributes.values)
step :delete_data do
step :send_deletion_email do
While this is seemingly overkill to have steps defined for this type of workflow, the basic premise of a Journey
still offers you substantial benefits. For example, you never want to enter delete_data
before archive_pseudonymized_data
has completed. Same with the send_deletion_email
- you do not want to notify the user berore their data is actually gone. Neither do you want there to ever be more than 1 process executing any of those steps.
Another fairly widely known use case for step workflows is initiating a payment. We first initiate a payment through an external provider, and then poll for its state to revert or complete the payment.
class PaymentInitiationJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :initiate_payment do
ik = hero.idempotency_key # The `hero` in this case is a Payment, not the User
result = PaymentProvider.transfer!(
from_account: hero.sender.bank_account_details,
to_account: hero.recipient.bank_account_details,
amount: hero.amount,
idempotency_key: ik
if result.intermittent_error?
reattempt!(wait: 5.seconds)
elsif result.invalid_request?
# and then do nothing and proceed to the next step
step :confirm_payment do
ik = hero.idempotency_key # The `hero` in this case is a Payment, not the User
payment_details = PaymentProvider.details(idempotency_key: ik)
case payment_details.state
when :complete
when :failed
else {"Payment #{hero} still confirming" }
reattempt!(wait: 30.seconds) if payment_details.state == :processing
Here, we first initiate a payment using an idempotency key, and then poll for its completion or failure repeatedly. When a payment fails or succeeds, we notify the sender and finish the Journey
. Note that this Journey
is of a payment, not of the user. A user may have multiple Payments in flight, each with their own Journey
being tracket transactionally and correctly.
Getting the transactional semantics right with a system like StepperMotor is crucial. We strike a decent balance between reliability/durability and performance, namely:
- The initial "checkout" of a
for performing a step is lock-guarded - Inside the lock guard the
of theJourney
gets set toperforming
- you can see that a journey is currently being performed, and no other processes will evern checkout that sameJourney
- The transaction is only applied at the start of the step, outside of that step's block. This means that you can perform long-running operations in your steps, as long as they are idempotent - and manage transactions inside of the steps.
We chose to make StepperMotor "transactionless" inside the steps because the operations and side effects we usually care about would be long-running and performing HTTP or RPC requests. Had the step been wrapped with a transaction, the transaction could become very long - creating a potential for a fairly large rollback in case the step fails.
Another reason why we avoid forced transactions is that if, for whatever reason, you need multiple idempotent actions inside of a step the outer transaction would not permit you to have those. We prefer leaving that flexibility to the end application.
Right now, StepperMotor does not provide any specific tools for saving side-effects or inputs of a step or of the entire Journey
except for the related hero
record. The reason for that is that side effects can take many shapes. A side effect may be a file output to S3, a record saved into your database, a file on the filesystem, or a blob of JSON carried around. The way this data has to be persisted can also vary. For the moment, we don't see a good generalized way to persist those side effects aside of the factual outputs. So:
- A record of the fact that a step has been performed to completion is sufficient to not re-enter that step
- If you need repeatable, but idempotent steps - idempotency is on you
By default, StepperMotor will only allow you to have one active Journey
per journey type for any given specific hero
. This will fail, either with a uniqueness constraint violation or a validation error:
SomeJourney.create!(hero: user)
SomeJourney.create!(hero: user)
Once a Journey
becomes canceled
or finished
, another Journey
of the same class can be created again for the same hero
. If you need to create multiple Journeys
of the same class for the same hero
, pass the allow_multiple
attribute set to true
. This value gets persisted and affects the inclusion of the Journey
into a partial index that enforces uniqueness:
SomeJourney.create!(hero: user, allow_multiple: true)
SomeJourney.create!(hero: user, allow_multiple: true)
Frequently, you will encounter the need to select heroes
to create Journeys
for. You will likely want to create Journeys
only for those heroes
who do not have these Journeys
yet. You can use a shortcut to generate you the SQL query to use in a WHERE NOT EXISTS
SQL clause. Usually, your query will look something like this:
SELECT users.* FROM users WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM stepper_motor_journeys WHERE type = 'YourJourney' AND hero_id =
To make this simpler, we offer a special helper method:
YourJourney.presence_sql_for(User) # => SELECT 1 FROM stepper_motor_journeys WHERE type = 'YourJourney' AND hero_id =
If your use case requires complex associations, you may want to make your hero
a record representing the business process that the Journey
tracks, instead of making the "actor" (say, an Account
) the hero. This will allow for better granularity and better-looking code that will be easier to understand.
So instead of doing this:
class PurchaseJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :start_checkout do
hero.purchases.create!(sku: ...)
PurchaseJourney.create!(hero: user, allow_multiple: true)
try this:
class PurchaseJourney < StepperMotor::Journey
step :start_checkout do
purchase = user.purchases.create!(sku: ...)
PurchaseJourney.create!(hero: purchase)
There are two known approaches for scheduling jobs far into the future. One approach is "in-time scheduling" - regularly run a scheduling task which performs the steps that are up for execution. The code for such process would look roughly looks like this:
Journey.where("state = 'ready' AND next_step_to_be_performed_at <= NOW()").find_each(&:perform_next_step!)
This scheduling task needs to be run with a high-enough frequency which matches your scheduling patterns.
Another is "forward-scheduling" - when it is known that a step of a journey will have to be performed at a certain point in time, enqueue a job which is going to perform the step:
PerformStepJob.set(wait: journey.next_step_to_be_performed_at).perform_later(journey)
This creates a large number of jobs on your queue, but will be easier to manage. StepperMotor supports both approaches, and you can configure the one you like using the configuration:
StepperMotor.configure do |c|
# Use jobs per journey step and enqueue them early
c.scheduler =
or, for cyclic scheduling (less jobs on the queue, but you need a decent scheduler for your background jobs to be present:
StepperMotor.configure do |c|
# Check for jobs to be created every 5 minutes
c.scheduler = 5.minutes)
If you use in-time scheduling you will need to add the StepperMotor::ScheduleLoopJob
to your cron jobs, and perform it frequently enough. Note that having just the granularity of your cron jobs (minutes) may not be enough as reattempts of the steps may get scheduled with a smaller delay - of a few seconds, for instance.
stepper_motor will name steps for you. However, using named steps is useful because you then can insert steps between existing ones, and have your Journey
correctly identify the right step. Steps are performed in the order they are defined. Imagine you start with this step sequence:
step :one do
# perform some action
step :two do
# perform some other action
You have a Journey
which is about to start step one
. When the step gets performed, StepperMotor will do a lookup to find the next step in order of definition. In this case the step will be step two
, so the name of that step will be saved with the Journey
. Imagine you then edit the code to add an extra step between those:
step :one do
# perform some action
step :one_bis_ do
# some compliance action
step :two do
# perform some other action
Your existing Journey
is already primed to perform step two
. However, a Journey
which is about to perform step one
will now set one_bis
as the next step to perform. This allows limited reordering and editing of Journey
definitions after they have already begun.
So, rules of thumb:
- When steps are recalled to be performed, they get recalled by name.
- When preparing for the next step, the next step from the current in order of definition is going to be used.
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install
. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb
, and then run bundle exec rake release
, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem
file to
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at