This is a legacy project! For the most up-to-date version check out:
txroutes provides routes-like dispatching for twisted.web.server (it actually depends upon the Python routes codebase).
Frequently, it's much easier to describe your website layout using routes instead of Resource from twisted.web.resource. This small library lets you dispatch with routes in your twisted.web application.
Here is an example of how to use txroutes:
from twisted.internet import reactor, task from twisted.web.server import Site, NOT_DONE_YET from txroutes import Dispatcher # Create a Controller class Controller(object): def index(self, request): return '<html><body>Hello World!</body></html>' def docs(self, request, item): return '<html><body>Docs for %s</body></html>' % item.encode('utf8') def post_data(self, request): return '<html><body>OK</body></html>' def deferred_example(self, request): request.write('<html><body>Wait a tic...</body></html>') task.deferLater(reactor, 5, lambda: request.finish()) return NOT_DONE_YET c = Controller() dispatcher = Dispatcher() dispatcher.connect(name='index', route='/', controller=c, action='index') dispatcher.connect(name='docs', route='/docs/{item}', controller=c, action='docs') dispatcher.connect(name='data', route='/data', controller=c, action='post_data', conditions=dict(method=['POST'])) dispatcher.connect(name='deferred_example', route='/wait', controller=c, action='deferred_example') factory = Site(dispatcher) reactor.listenTCP(8000, factory)
txroutes is released under the MIT License
- Python routes:
- Using twisted.web.resources: