Horaco_exporter is a Prometheus metrics exporter capable of scraping statistics from 8 port 2.5G Copper + 1 10G SFP port switches built on RTL8373+RTL8224 chipset.
It works by scraping the HTML of the administration interface, as I know no other way to get statistics off the switch.
The following models are known to work:
- WAMJHJ-8125MNG, firmware V1.9
Horaco_exporter is a Go application, which can be built by the user, or downloaded from Releases page on Github.
You can run the exporter without any arguments:
$ horaco_exporter
Afterwards you can visit the exporter's web UI to test it on port 8088(default). Curl can be used to test as follows:
$ curl -G \
-d user=admin \
-d password=admin \
-d target= \
However, the default mode is insecure, as Prometheus needs to present switch's admin user credentials. You can store credentials on the exporter's side, and use them as endpoint allowlist.
Fill in a auth
file as follows for switches' default credentials: admin admin
Afterwards, run exporter as follows:
$ horaco_exporter -hosts /path/to/auth
In this mode, only target
needs to be specified when scraping.
Curl can be used to test as follows:
$ curl -G \
-d target= \
The exporter is scraped in a similar manner to a blackbox_exporter.
The following configuration is a good starting point for allowlist mode:
- job_name: horaco_exporter
- source_labels:
- __address__
target_label: __param_target
- source_labels:
- __param_target
target_label: instance
# Exporter IP address goes here:
- replacement:
target_label: __address__
scrape_interval: 5m
- labels: {}
# Switch admin UI URL goes here:
You can find a minimal Grafana dashboard JSON at contrib/horaco_exporter-grafana.json
. Ports can be renamed in the Port Status panel by modifying the Organize fields by name
Here is a sample of provided metrics:
horaco_exporter_port_carrier{device="port1"} 1
horaco_exporter_port_duplex{device="port1"} 1
horaco_exporter_port_duplex_set{device="port1"} 1
horaco_exporter_port_flow_control{device="port1"} 1
horaco_exporter_port_flow_control_set{device="port1"} 1
horaco_exporter_port_receive_errs_total{device="port1"} 0
horaco_exporter_port_receive_frames_total{device="port1"} 2.0296015e+07
horaco_exporter_port_speed_bytes{device="port1"} 1.25e+08
horaco_exporter_port_speed_bytes_set{device="port1"} 0
horaco_exporter_port_state{device="port1"} 1
horaco_exporter_port_transmit_errs_total{device="port1"} 0
horaco_exporter_port_transmit_frames_total{device="port1"} 4.2407715e+07
horaco_exporter_probe_success{probe="info"} 1
horaco_exporter_probe_success{probe="port"} 1
horaco_exporter_switch_info{firmware_date="Jan 03 2024",firmware_ver="V1.9",hardware_ver="V1.1",mac="11:22:33:44:55:66",model="WAMJHJ-8125MNG"} 1