A Cmd scripts which makes life easier.
- SkypeSecondary - Add to autostart variables second instance of Skype
- SkypeRemoveAdds - Block and remove adds from Skype
- AddContextMenuPowershell - Add to Explore context menu "Open folder in Powershell" and "Run Bypass/Admin ps1 script"
- EvaluatedRun - Execute script/executable as Admin
- [Which.cmd] (#whichcmd) - Determine file full path(linux
analogue) - [PKill.cmd] (#pkillcmd) - Kill windows app by name(
simple wrapper to be more like linuxpkill
command) - [Ps.cmd] (#pscmd) - List process (
simple wrapper to be more like linuxps
command) - RunPowershell - Run powershell script with "Bypass"
- MsBuild - Run msbuild.exe
- WebDownload - download file from web
- Unzip - extract archive content
- AddPath - add directory to Env:Path
- BuildInstaller - Create installer from folder content
- InstallBin - download scripts dependencies
- CmdAutoRun - add folder to Cmd.exe autostart
- CmdEnv - set Cmd.exe aliaeses and Path variable
- SvnCheckout - Checkout svn(with injections) and build
- Config - Init/Load config file
- Copy - Copy folder content
- AddRoutesTemplate - template for RouteConfig scripts
##The easiest way to get all scripts: Press Win+R keyboard hotkeys and insert into the window entire script provided below:
powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass "$dst=Read-Host 'Enter install folder:';$repo='https://github.com/stadub/CmdScripts/archive/master.zip';$f=[System.IO.Path]::GetTempFileName()+'.zip';New-Object System.Net.WebClient|%{$_.DownloadFile($repo,$f);};$sh=New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application;$ar=$sh.NameSpace($f).Items();$af=$ar.Item(0).GetFolder.Items();mkdir $dst;$d=$sh.NameSpace($dst);$d.CopyHere($af, 272);& $dst\InstallBin.cmd;Write-Warning 'Add scripts to autorun?' -warningaction Inquire;& $dst\CmdAutoRun.cmd;pause"
#Runtime configuration scripts:
Helper script that fetch all scripts(Mainly Build.cmd) dependencies from the internet
Add CmdEnv.cmd
to Command line autorun.
Helper script install aliases for scripts and insert scripts directory to the Path variable.
Also loads aliases from files pointed in the DoskeyScripts
env variale
#One-time usage useful utilities: #
Add to autorun entry which runs second Skype
Remove Adds from Skype
Add Open PowerShell Here
entry to the Explorer
directory context menu
Shell script to allow to run commands with evaluated privileges
- Automatically resolves path to executable (from
variable) - In case of Admin shell(or disable UAC) just starts command
EvaluatedRun.cmd notepad C:\text.txt
Shell script to resolve path to executable (bat/cmd/exe files supported)
Which.cmd notepad
Kill windows app by name.
Just handy taskkill
pkill.cmd note*
List process.
Just handy tasklist
ps.cmd note*
Script is intended to run Powershell scripts from command line.
Allows to avoid execution of scripts is disabled on this system
RunPowershell.cmd ls
Resolves location of the msbuild launcher to run msbuild project
MsBuild.cmd myproject.project
Copies current folder content to the folder set by arg
Copy.bat c:\
Download web resource
WebDownload.cmd https://github.com/stadub/CmdScripts/archive/master.zip c:\Sources\CmdScripts.zip
Extract archive content
Unzip.cmd %CD%\CmdScripts.zip %CD%
Add directory to PATH environment variable
AddPath.cmd c:\Sources\CmdScripts
Installer script.
Require unpacked http://www.7-zip.org/a/7z920_extra.7z utils in the /bin directory.
##To install dependencies run InstallBin.com before installer script execution##
To create installer generator script run:
Build.cmd [MyApp]
Sample Build.cmd
Enter Application name:> MyApp
Starting installer configuration for MyApp
Enter value for BeginPrompt:> Do you want to install MyApp?
Enter value for SrcDir:> C:\Sources\MyApp
Enter value for DestDir:> C:\Program Files\MyApp
Application installer script generated successfully.
Use "c:\Sources\CmdScripts\Build_MyApp.cmd" to start installer script.
Press any key to continue . . .
Config variables
BeginPrompt="Do you want to install MyApp?"
- The prompt will be shown during installation process
- Directory with application being installed
DestDir="C:\Program Files\MyApp"
- Directory application being installed
Description: Create installer script based on 7z SFX.
Create archive from %SrcDir% content and create SFX installer by combining 7zS.sfx
+ 7zConfig
+ Installer.7z
to AppInstaller.exe
Installation performs copying archive content to the %DestDir%
Batch file template to create a routing file
Allows to checkout svn repos
via single script.
Script can be added to scheduler.
The "comon" repository that should be injected to the other repositories(external repo).
contain properties to configure script.
Configuration scripts. Used as part of the other scripts to add script config
files support.
Has 2 mode:
Interactive variables initialization when
file variableInit
set toFalse
Creates variables from file when
file variableInit
set toTrue
Config file: Build.config
Config.bat build
Write variable Init="True"
Enter value for Title:My App
Write variable Title="My App"
1 file(s) moved.
1 file(s) moved.
Setting var Init "True"
Setting var Title "My App"