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Gem Gem Gem Code Climate Test Coverage CI

A Test Kitchen Driver for Linode.



Requires Test Kitchen and a Linode account.

gem install test-kitchen

Installation and Setup

The gem file is hosted at RubyGems. To install the gem file, run:

gem install kitchen-linode

Or, install with bundler if you have a Gemfile.

Please read the Driver usage page for more details.


For many of these, you can specify an ID number, a full name, or a partial name that will try to match something in the list but may not match exactly what you want.

Option Env Var Default Description
linode_token LINODE_TOKEN none Linode API token. Required.
password LINODE_PASSWORD Random UUID Password for root.
label none Auto generated Label for the server.
tags none ["kitchen"] List of tags to set on the server.
hostname none Label if provided, else kitchen instance name The hostname of the server.
image none Kitchen platform name Linode image.
region LINODE_REGION us-east Linode region.
type none g6-nanode-1 Linode type.
stackscript_id none none StackScript ID to provision the server with.
stackscript_data none none StackScript data for user defined fields.
swap_size none none Swap size in MB.
private_ip none false Set to true to add a private IP to the server.
authorized_users LINODE_AUTH_USERS [] List of authorized Linode users for seeding SSH keys. Environment variable should be a comma separated list of usernames.
private_key_path LINODE_PRIVATE_KEY ~/.ssh/id_rsa, ~/.ssh/id_dsa, ~/.ssh/identity, or ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa, whichever first exists. Path to SSH private key that should be used to connect to the server.
public_key_path none Auto inferred based on the private_key_path Path to SSH public key that should be installed on the server.
disable_ssh_password none true When set to true and SSH keys are provided password auth for SSH is disabled.
api_retries none 5 How many times to retry API calls on timeouts or rate limits.


First, set your Linode API token in an environment variable:

export LINODE_TOKEN='myrandomtoken123123213h123bh12'

Then, create a .kitchen.yml file:

  name: linode

  name: salt_solo
  formula: vim
        - vim

  - name: linode/debian10

  - name: default

then you're ready to run kitchen test or kitchen converge

kitchen test

If you want to use Vagrant for local tests and Linode for CI tests then you can add the following to your .kitchen.yml to automatically switch the driver if the LINODE_TOKEN environment variable is set:

  name: <%= ENV['LINODE_TOKEN'] ? 'linode' : 'vagrant' %>

  - name: debian-10
      box: bento/debian-10
      image: linode/debian10

  - name: default

Note that both the image (linode) and the box (vagrant) options are supplied in the platform driver configuration.

If you want to change any of the default settings, you can do so in the 'platforms' area:

# ...<snip>...
  - name: ubuntu_lts
      type: g6-standard-2
      region: eu-central
      image: linode/ubuntu20.04
# ...<snip>...


Pull requests are very welcome! Make sure your patches are well tested. Ideally create a topic branch for every separate change you make. For example:

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Created and maintained by Brett Taylor (


Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE)