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vtf iodata keys

srccircumflex edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 4 revisions

↑ vtf-iodata


The module contains the types for the inputs of function keys.

most common types:
  • Ctrl

    keys modified by ctrl

  • DelIns

    backspace, delete, insert

  • EscEsc

    esc double hit

  • FKey

    F1 to F20

  • Meta

    keys modified by alt/meta [and (ctrl or shift)]

  • NavKey

    arrow keys, page up/down, cursor home, end

additional types (untested):

These types are created by the vtiinterpreter from the stdin stream.

The types are also used as reference objects for a comparison with __eq__() ( == ) and can be created defined in detail. The constants are containers for the key and modification values -- the suitable for the respective type are available in the classes as class variables under K (key values) and M (modification values). The value of the key and the modification are assigned to the attributes KEY and MOD.

Module contents



KEY_VALUES = _KeysValues()

Collection of keys values.

DelIns = _DelInsKEYS()



HPClear = -11


KeyPad: _KeyPadKEYS = _KeyPadKEYS()

Keypad function keys.

PF1 = -1

PF2 = -2

PF3 = -3

PF4 = -4

NavKey: _NavKeyKEYS = _NavKeyKEYS()

  • A_* : Arrow keys
  • C_* : Cursor Navigation
  • P_* : Page

A_DOWN = 2

A_LEFT = -1


A_UP = -2

C_BEGIN = -4

C_END = 3

C_HOME = -3

P_DOWN = 6

P_UP = -6



Key modifier values.

Supports the & operator to represent combined keystrokes.

ALT = _MOD(3)

CTRL = _MOD(5)

META = _MOD(9)



No key values.


Modifiers not supported.


keys.Eval(x) -> Key | Type[Key]

Return a Key object or type from a representative sting.

  • ValueError(exception) on errors with the original exception as argument.



class keys.Key

The base class for keys.



KEY: int



__contains__(item) -> bool

Return whether the modification matches. Multiple keystrokes are queried via a tuple. Values should be chosen from self.M.

__eq__(other) -> bool

Return whether other is the same kind of instance and the defined parameters of the reference object correlate with those of the other one.

__hash__() -> int

hash of repr(self)

__init__(key=None, mod=0)

Create a reference object over the parent class.

__int__() -> int


__iter__() -> Iterable


__repr__() -> str


staticmethod eval(x) -> Key

Create a Key object from a representative sting of a Key object.

  • ValueError(exception) on errors with the original exception as argument.

class keys.Ctrl(Key)

ASCII Control Character


  • KEY: str = character shifted by adding 64 (ASCII: @A-Z\]^_`)
  • MOD: int = decimal character value (0 - 32)

Basically, the alphabetic characters ( ctrl + [a-z_] ) -- except h, i, j, m -- are interpreted in combination with ctrl as Ctrl(<upper character>). ( [ ! ] To avoid the terminal processing in advance, this must be modified beforehand).

Platform dependent specifics are listed below.

  • @ UNIX :

    Default characters processed by the terminal (representative, also applies to combinations that send the same, see below):

    • ctrl + c : INTR
    • ctrl + q : IXON
    • ctrl + s : IXOFF
    • ctrl + z : SUSP
    • ctrl + \ : QUIT

    Specifics (May vary significantly based on dynamic keymaps):

    • ctrl + h = ctrl + backspace -> DelIns(KEY=0, MOD=5)
    • ctrl + i = \t -> Space("t") or Ctrl("I") (vtiinterpreter configuration)
    • ctrl + j = \n | \r -> Space("n") or Ctrl("J") (vtiinterpreter configuration)
    • ctrl + m = \n | \r -> Space("n") or Ctrl("M") (vtiinterpreter configuration)
    • ctrl + space -> Ctrl("@")
    • ctrl + @ -> Ctrl("@")
    • ctrl + | (Or) -> Ctrl("\")
    • ctrl + 2 -> Ctrl("@")
    • ctrl + 3 = ESC
    • ctrl + 4 -> Ctrl("\")
    • ctrl + 5 -> Ctrl("]")
    • ctrl + 6 -> Ctrl("^")
    • ctrl + 7 -> Ctrl("_")
    • ctrl + 8 = backspace -> DelIns(KEY=0)
    • ctrl + / -> Ctrl("_")
    • ctrl + { = ESC
    • ctrl + [ = ESC
    • ctrl + ] -> Ctrl("]")
    • ctrl + } -> Ctrl("]")
    • ctrl + ? = backspace -> DelIns(KEY=0)
    • ctrl + \\ -> Ctrl("\")
    • ctrl + ~ -> Ctrl("^")
    • ctrl + - -> Ctrl("_")
    • ctrl + _ -> Ctrl("_")

    Depending on the vtiinterpreter configuration Tab, Enter/Return and Space are interpreted as Ctrl.

    • Tab -> Ctrl("I")
    • Enter/Return -> Ctrl("J")
    • Space -> Ctrl("`")
  • @ Windows:

    Default characters processed by the terminal (representative, also applies to combinations that send the same, see below):

    • ctrl + c : INTR


    • ctrl + h = ctrl + backspace -> DelIns(5)
    • ctrl + i = \t -> Space("\t") or Ctrl("I") (vtiinterpreter configuration)
    • ctrl + j = \n | \r -> Space("\n") or Ctrl("J") (vtiinterpreter configuration)
    • ctrl + m = \n | \r -> Space("\n") or Ctrl("M") (vtiinterpreter configuration)
    • ctrl + & -> Ctrl("^")
    • ctrl + 7 -> Ctrl("_")
    • ctrl + / -> Ctrl("_")
    • ctrl + + -> Ctrl("]")
    • ctrl + # -> Ctrl("\")
    • ctrl + _ -> Ctrl("_")
    • break/pause -> Ctrl("Z")

    Depending on the vtiinterpreter configuration Tab, Enter/Return and Space are interpreted as Ctrl.

    • Tab -> Ctrl("I")
    • Enter/Return -> Ctrl("M")
    • Space -> Ctrl("`")
# Resources:
; xterm/PC-Style-Function-Keys ff. ; wikipedia/UTF-8/Codepage_layout

KEY: str



Create a new reference object.

If key is None the comparison

>>> Ctrl(None) == Ctrl(<Any>)

always returns True, otherwise a value from @A-Z\\]^_` must be used; use "tab", "enter" or "space" as alias for the corresponding key, note the configuration of the vtiinterpreter.

class keys.DelIns(Key)

Delete, Insert and Backspace Object


  • KEY: int
    Values for comparison in K:
    • INSERT = 1
    • BACKSPACE = 0
    • DELETE = -1
    • HPClear = -11
  • MOD: int
    Values for comparison in M:
    • SHIFT = 2
    • ALT = 3
    • CTRL = 5
    • META = 9
    >>> DelIns.M.SHIFT  in  DelIns(key)
    >>> (DelIns.M.SHIFT, DelIns.M.CTRL)  in  DelIns(key)  # Combined modifications
    >>> DelIns.M.SHIFT & DelIns.M.CTRL  in  DelIns(key)  # Combined modifications
# Resources:
; xterm/PC-Style-Function-Keys ff.


__init__(key=None, mod=0)

Create a new reference object.

key should be selected from DelIns.K, if key is None the comparison

>>> DelIns(None) == DelIns(<Any>)

always returns True if the modification is matches.

mod should be selected from DelIns.M. The & operator can be used between the mods to represent combinations.

>>> DelIns(1, DelIns.M.SHIFT & DelIns.M.CTRL)

If mod is 0, no modification is explicitly expected. If mod is None, the comparison is always True.

class keys.EscEsc(Key)

ESC double

Will be interpreted when esc is pressed twice. (Also send via ctrl+alt/meta+3, ctrl+alt/meta+[ and ctrl+alt/meta+{ (UNIX) (see Meta and Ctrl)).


  • KEY: int = 2727
  • MOD: int = 2727

KEY: int = 2727


MOD: int = 2727


Takes no parameters.

class keys.FKey(Key)

Function Key Object


  • KEY: int = Key number (1-20)

  • MOD: int
    Values for comparison in M:
    • SHIFT = 2
    • ALT = 3
    • CTRL = 5
    • META = 9
    >>> FKey.M.SHIFT  in  FKey(key)
    >>> (FKey.M.SHIFT, FKey.M.CTRL)  in  FKey(key)  # Combined modifications
    >>> FKey.M.SHIFT & FKey.M.CTRL  in  FKey(key)  # Combined modifications
# Resources:
; xterm/PC-Style-Function-Keys ff.

__init__(key=None, mod=0)

Create a new reference object.

key should be selected from FKey.K, if key is None the comparison

>>> FKey(None) == FKey(<Any>)

always returns True if the modification is matches.

mod should be selected from FKey.M. The & operator can be used between the mods to represent combinations.

>>> FKey(1, FKey.M.SHIFT & FKey.M.CTRL)

If mod is 0, no modification is explicitly expected. If mod is None, the comparison is always True.

class keys.KeyPad(Key)

Keypad Object ## untested ##


  • KEY: int | str ('+' '-' '*' '/' '=' '.' ',' -1(PF1) -2(PF2) -3(PF3) -4(PF4) 0-9(N))
  • MOD: int = 0
# Resources:
; xterm/PC-Style-Function-Keys ; xterm/VT220-Style-Function-Keys ; xterm/VT52-Style-Function-Keys


KEY: int | str



key: '+' '-' '*' '/' '=' '.' ',' -1(PF1) -2(PF2) -3(PF3) -4(PF4) 0-9(N)

class keys.Meta(Key)

Meta/Alt Character

The largest range of alternative inputs. When an input is modified with Alt/Meta, Meta(<input>) is interpreted. Technically, the input is preceded by the escape character (\x1b), so a combination with Ctrl is also always interpreted as Meta. (Example: ctrl+alt/meta+a -> Meta("\x01")). This also means that if the combination with Ctrl sends the escape character, EscEsc is automatically interpreted. Shifted characters are passed as such to Meta, thus the type is case sensitive ( alt/meta+a -> Meta("a") | alt/meta+shift+a -> Meta("A") ). Note: Control characters can NOT be shifted.


  • KEY: str = character (ASCII/UTF)
  • MOD: int = decimal character value
# Resources:
; xterm/PC-Style-Function-Keys ff. ; xterm/Alt-and-Meta-Keys

KEY: str



Create a new reference object.

key can be defined via Ctrl(key) for the range of ASCII control characters - combined with Alt/Meta;

>>> Meta(Ctrl("A")) == Meta("\x01")  # -> True

Only consistent with alphabetic characters, for the Ctrl special cases, combinations may be ignored or interpreted uncommonly.

If key is None the comparison

>>> Meta(None) == Meta(<Any>)

always returns True.

class keys.ModKey(Key)

Modify Other Keys Object ## untested ##


  • KEY: int

    ASCII value

  • MOD: int
    Values for comparison in M:
    • SHIFT = 2
    • ALT = 3
    • CTRL = 5
    • META = 9
    >>> ModKey.M.SHIFT  in  ModKey(key)
    >>> (ModKey.M.SHIFT, ModKey.M.CTRL)  in  ModKey(key)  # Combined modifications
    >>> ModKey.M.SHIFT & ModKey.M.CTRL  in  ModKey(key)  # Combined modifications
# Resources:
; xterm/Alt-and-Meta-Keys

__init__(key=None, mod=0)

Create a new reference object.

key Must be a value from the ASCII range 0-127, if key is None the comparison

>>> ModKey(None) == ModKey(<Any>)

always returns True if the modification is matches.

mod should be selected from ModKey.M. The & operator can be used between the mods to represent combinations.

>>> ModKey(1, ModKey.M.SHIFT & ModKey.M.CTRL)

If mod is 0, no modification is explicitly expected. If mod is None, the comparison is always True.

class keys.NavKey(Key)

Navigational Key Object

Arrow keys, pos1, end, page up/down, shift-tab.

Shift-tab is a special case, an <NavKey(key=NavKey.K.SHIFT_TAB, mod=NavKey.M.SHIFT)> is always created for this key combination. The keys pos1 and end are usually interpreted with the values from NavKey.K.C_HOME and NavKey.K.C_END.


  • KEY: int
    Values for comparison in K:
    • A_RIGHT = 1
    • A_LEFT = -1
    • A_UP = -2
    • A_DOWN = 2
    • C_HOME = -3
    • C_END = 3
    • C_BEGIN = -4
    • P_DOWN = 6
    • P_UP = -6
    • SHIFT_TAB = 9
  • MOD: int
    Values for comparison in M:
    • SHIFT = 2
    • ALT = 3
    • CTRL = 5
    • META = 9
    >>> NavKey.M.SHIFT  in  NavKey(key)
    >>> (NavKey.M.SHIFT, NavKey.M.CTRL)  in  NavKey(key)  # Combined modifications
    >>> NavKey.M.SHIFT & NavKey.M.CTRL  in  NavKey(key)  # Combined modifications
# Resources:
; xterm/PC-Style-Function-Keys ff.


__init__(key=None, mod=0)

Create a new reference object.

key should be selected from NavKey.K, if key is None the comparison

>>> NavKey(None) == NavKey(<Any>)

always returns True if the modification is matches.

mod should be selected from NavKey.M. The & operator can be used between the mods to represent combinations.

>>> NavKey(1, NavKey.M.SHIFT & NavKey.M.CTRL)

If mod is 0, no modification is explicitly expected. If mod is None, the comparison is always True.

Date: 07 Nov 2022
Version: 0.1
Author: Adrian Hoefflin [srccircumflex]
Doc-Generator: "pyiStructure-RSTGenerator" <prototype>
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