jsonComm format of data is multiline string format like JSON or YAML but it have single line or multiline comments.
jsonComm object contains methods for
- convert data to JSON string without comments
- convert to JSON with comments added before associated key-value pairs
- change of values of unique keys with keeping comments
- convert jsonComm string from/to Yaml or XML.
Screenshots of test; online test page.
jsonComm adds javascript style comments to pure JSON and presents functions for converting to JSON and change any values in jsonComm file.
//<multiline string of jsonComm file>
var jComm = '//first line\n\
{"aaa": "qwerty",//00\n\
"bbb": 1234 //comment (not pure JSON syntax)\n\
,"ccc": true # alternative comment style\n\
,"dd\\"d":/*multiline\\" comm\\ent*/ /*comm2\\*/null,\n\
"ee//e": "example of any symbols in key including inactive comments",\n\
"multiline1"/*: 1, //- example of multiline comments\n\
"multiline2": 2,\n\
"multiline3":= 1234,*/:[36.8,false/*,34*/,\n\
5,6,[[/*0*/7,{"x":/*xx*/"x"}],8]],{}] ],\n\
}//after json\n \n /*2nd after*/ ';
//NOTE for this string: any single backslash will be incorrect example
// because it will be shielding symbol for next and have sense
// for "\n" or as trailing symbol for this multiline notation
Test this string in browser: jsonCommTest.js (results will be printed in console).
var jsonWoComm = jsonComm.unComment(jComm), //returns JSON string (not guarantees)
jsonWithComm = jsonComm.comm2json(jComm)
,jsonString = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(jsonWoComm))
//to JSON with key-value comments
//..."bbb#": "comment (not pure JSON syntax)",
// "bbb": 1234, ...
,jsonCommChecked = JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(jsObjWithComm))
//direct convert to YAML (TODO)
,yamlStringDirect = jsonComm.toYaml(jComm)
//direct convert to XML (TODO)
,xmlStringDirect = jsonComm.toXml(jComm)
//change any value of unique key in JSON format (from begin of line)
,jCommChanged = jsonComm.change(jComm, {multiline1: 'newValue'})
//returns string with saving of all comments and other non-JSON elements
// with change of value of key in second argument
//group change
,jCommChanged2 = jsonComm.change(jComm, {multiline1:'newValue', ccc: false});
//to jsonComm (TODO)
jsObjWithComm['aaa#'] = 'new comment of "aaa" key';
var jCommNew3 = jsonComm.to(jsObjWithComm);
//it converts all keys with "#" at ends and which have pairs to lines with comments
errorParse - (TODO) exception of parse error of jComm string to some format.
jsonComm.on('errorParse', function(){console.error('errorParse')}
var configFile = fs.readFileSync('config/config.js').toString('utf-8')
,config = JSON.parse(configFile.replace(/(?:(?:((?:\{|,)\s*)(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*(\s*"(?:\\"|[^\r\n"])*"\s*)(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*(\s*:\s*)(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*(\s*(?:[0-9.eE+-]+|true|false|null|"(?:\\"|[^\r\n"])*"|(?!:\{|:\[))\s*)(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*(\s*(?:\}|(?!,))\s*)?)+?|(?:((?:\[|,)\s*)(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*(\s*(?:[0-9.eE+-]+|true|false|null|"(?:\\"|[^\r\n"])*"|(?!:\{|:\[))\s*)(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*(\s*(?:\]|(?!,))\s*)?)+?|(?:(?:\s*(?:\/\/|#)[^\r\n]*(\r?\n|$))*(?:\s*\/\*\*\/|\s*\/\*(?:[\s\S]?(?!\*\/))+.{3})*)*\s*)/g,'$1$2$3$4$5$6$7$8$9$10$11$12$13$14') );
//... use config object if not need to change file config.js.
If it need to change, use 2 functions, .unComment and .change in jsonComm object.
var config = JSON.parse(jsonComm.unComment(fs.readFileSync('config/config.js'
//... calc changes ...
var changes = {version: newVersion}; //for example
fs.writeFileSync('config/config.js', jsonComm.change(config, changes));
- Commentable JSON (ru), 2015-01-09.
- Standard JSON
- Why D.Crockford delete comments from the standard?
- rfc-7159 (March, 2014): latest standard recommendations;
- "Can I comment a JSON file?" on the SO;
- JSON.minify() (blog) and Github
- grunt- , gulp, broccoli-, strip-json-comments (Github)
- JSON Comments (another author);
- Suggested Improvements to JSON (article, 2011)
- JSON5 (results of ideas similar to prev., JS)
- Hjson, the Human JSON (Hjson keep my comments when updating a config file; JS, Python, C#)