A simple tool written in go
to unshorten short urls.
Takes bunch of URLs and returns the unshortened URLs
- Code Cleanup 😓
- Proper flags for URL inputs (currently only takes input from STDIN)
- Flag for output files to store the results
- Support for output format(in JSON, currently supports TXT)
(exclude) flag to not include unreachable/invalid URLs in the output file
more freatures if possible?
go install github.com/DarthCucumber/unwee@latest
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\_,_|_||_\_/\_/\___\___| v1.1.0
usage: unwee [options...]
[-u] (url) takes in single URL as input and gives it's unshortened form.
[-o] (output) takes in file name as input and saves result in the file
[-f] (file) takes in file name containing list of shortened URLs
[-h] (help) prints help menu
- Single URL Input from stdin:
> echo "http://shorturl/xyz" | go run main.go
- Input single url
> go run main.go -u http://shorturl/xyz
- URL List file Input from stdin
> cat url_list.txt | go run main.go
- Input from file
> go run main.go -f url_list.txt
- Setting output file to save results (default is saved at "output/<data_time>.txt")
> go run main.go -o outputfile.txaer
There is a sample txt file in the repo with some shortened URLs in it for testing. So go ahead give it a try.