go-keepkey is a client library and CLI for interacting with Keepkey storage devices.
This library is unofficial and in development. For the official client see https://github.com/keepkey/python-keepkey
Since the device has transitioned to communicating over webUSB you need install libusb for your platform
brew install libusb
go get -u github.com/solipsis/go-keepkey
go install github.com/solipsis/go-keepkey
go-keepkey --help
go-keepkey [command]
Available Commands:
applyPolicy Enable/Disable a named policy
applySettings Update the label, language, and enable/disable the passphrase
changePin Change or add a pin to the device
clearSession Clear session data such as the pin session and passphrase
debugGetState Get device debug info. This REVEALS SECRETS and can only be used with debug enabled firmware
decryptKeyValue Decrypt a value with a given key and nodepath
encryptKeyValue Encrypt a value with a given key and nodepath
flashDump dump certain section of flash
flashHash Request hash of certain segment of flash memory
flashWrite Write data over flash sectors
getAddress Get an address for a coinType and nodePath
getEntropy Request sample data from the hardware RNG
getEthAddress Get the ethereum address for a given node path
getFeatures Ask the device for features and model information
getPublicKey Get a public key for a nodePath including the XPUB
help Help about any command
loadDevice Load the device from seed words
ping Ping the device with a message
recoverDevice Begin interactive device recovery
removePin Disable pin on the device
replay Replay messages in kk log format to the device
resetDevice Reset the device and generate a new seed using device RNG
signEthTx Sign an ethereum transaction
signMessage Sign a message using a given node path and coin
softReset Soft reset / power cycle the device. Only works on devices in manufacturer mode
upgradeFirmware Upgrade firmware to a specified tagged version or latest if none is specified
uploadFirmware Upload a new firmware binary to the device
verifyMessage Verify a signed message
wipeDevice Erase all sensitive information on the device
--autoButton Automatic button pressing if debug link is enabled (default true)
--debug Debug level logging
-h, --help help for go-keepkey
--target string Device label or HID serial to connect to if more than one device is connected
import "github.com/solipsis/go-keepkey/keepkey"
devices, err := keepkey.GetDevices()
// Get the features supported by the first connected device
kk := devices[0]
features, err := kk.GetFeatures()
kk.WipeDevice() // Error ignored
// Settings
words := "water wink explain proof size gift silly sort collect differ anger yard"
pin := "123"
label := "test"
usePassphrase := false
useChecksum := false
kk.LoadDevice(strings.Split(words, " "), pin, label, usePassphrase, useChecksum)
path := "path/to/firmware.bin"
numBtyes, err := kk.UploadFirmware(path)
var nonce uint64 = 20
recipient := "0x6b68c94fc31A10707f9c0f1281aad5ec9a4eeff0"
amount := big.NewInt(1337)
gasLimit := big.NewInt(80000)
gasPrice := big.NewInt(22000000000)
data := []byte{}
// Create the transaction
tx := NewTransaction(nonce, recipient, amount, gasLimit, gasPrice, data)
// Ask the device to sign the transaction
tx, err := kk.EthereumSignTx(ethPath, tx)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to sign tx: %s", err)
// Encode the transaction as raw transaction hex string
raw, err := tx.ToRawTransaction()
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Unable to convert to raw tx:", err)
nodePath := []uint32{0x8000002C, 0x8000003C, 0x80000000, 0x0, 0x01} // m/44'/60'/0'/0/1
display := true // display the address and QR code on the device screen
kk.EthereumGetAddress(nodePath, display)
var entropy []byte
size := 1024 // number of bytes of entropy to request up to 1024 bytes
entropy, err := kk.GetEntropy(size)
Fetch the latest submoduled version
git submodule update --init --recursive
This project uses retool to vendor tools such as protoc
go get github.com/twitchtv/retool
Once retool is installed you can regenerate the protobufs using (from the project root)
retool do go generate ./...