pip install forsun
git clone https://github.com/snower/forsun.git
python setup.py install
forsund -h
usage: forsund [-h] [--bind BIND_HOST] [--port BIND_PORT] [--demon DEMON]
[--log LOG_FILE] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--driver DRIVER]
[--driver-mem-store-file STORE_MEM_STORE_FILE]
[--driver-redis-host DRIVER_REDIS_HOST]
[--driver-redis-port DRIVER_REDIS_PORT]
[--driver-redis-db DRIVER_REDIS_DB]
[--driver-redis-prefix DRIVER_REDIS_PREFIX]
[--driver-redis-server-id DRIVER_REDIS_SERVER_ID]
[--extension-path EXTENSION_PATH] [--extension EXTENSIONS]
High-performance timing scheduling service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--bind BIND_HOST bind host (default:
--port BIND_PORT bind port (default: 6458)
--demon DEMON run demon mode
--log LOG_FILE log file
--log-level LOG_LEVEL
log level (defaul: INFO)
--driver DRIVER store driver mem or redis (defaul: mem)
--driver-mem-store-file STORE_MEM_STORE_FILE
store mem driver store file (defaul:
--driver-redis-host DRIVER_REDIS_HOST
store reids driver host (defaul:
--driver-redis-port DRIVER_REDIS_PORT
store reids driver port (defaul: 6379)
--driver-redis-db DRIVER_REDIS_DB
store reids driver db (defaul: 0)
--driver-redis-prefix DRIVER_REDIS_PREFIX
store reids driver key prefix (defaul: forsun)
--driver-redis-server-id DRIVER_REDIS_SERVER_ID
store reids driver server id (defaul: 0)
--extension-path EXTENSION_PATH
extension path
--extension EXTENSIONS
extension name
forsun -h
usage: forsun [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--exe EXECUTE] [cmd]
High-performance timing scheduling service
positional arguments:
cmd execute cmd (default: )
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST host (default:
--port PORT port (default: 6458)
--exe EXECUTE execute cmd (default: )
forsun "set redis */5/1 * * * * * redis 'host=;command=\'SET b 1 EX 300\'"
forsun "set shell */5/1 * * * * * shell 'cmd=ls"
forsun "set beanstalk */5/1 * * * * * beanstalk 'host=;name=etask;body={}'"
forsun "set thrift */5/1 * * * * * thrift 'host=;port=4220"
forsun "set http */5/1 * * * * * http 'url=\'http://www.baidu.com\''"
forsun "set mysql */5/1 * * * * * mysql 'host=;user=root;passwd=123456;db=test;sql=\'update test set created_at=now() where id=1\'"
forsun "set redis 0 32 16 * * * redis 'host=;command=\'SET b 1 EX 300\'"
forsun "set shell 0 32 16 * * * shell 'cmd=ls"
forsun "set beanstalk 0 32 16 * * * beanstalk 'host=;name=etask;body={}'"
forsun "set thrift 0 32 16 * * * thrift 'host=;port=4220"
forsun "set http 0 32 16 * * * http 'url=\'http://www.baidu.com\''"
forsun "set mysql 32 16 * * * mysql 'host=;user=root;passwd=123456;db=test;sql=\'update test set created_at=now() where id=1\'"
exception ForsunPlanError{
1:i16 code,
2:string message
struct ForsunPlan {
1: required bool is_time_out,
2: required string key,
3: required i16 second,
4: i16 minute = -1,
5: i16 hour = -1,
6: i16 day = -1,
7: i16 month = -1,
8: i16 week = -1,
9: required i32 next_time,
10: i16 status = 0,
11: i16 count = 0,
12: i16 current_count = 0,
13: i32 last_timeout = 0,
14:string action = "shell",
15:map<string, string> params = {}
service Forsun{
i16 ping(),
ForsunPlan create(1:string key, 2:i16 second, 3:i16 minute = -1, 4:i16 hour = -1, 5:i16 day = -1, 6:i16 month = -1, 7:i16 week = -1, 8:string action="shell", 9:map<string, string> params={}) throws (1:ForsunPlanError err),
ForsunPlan createTimeout(1:string key, 2:i16 second, 3:i16 minute = -1, 4:i16 hour = -1, 5:i16 day = -1, 6:i16 month = -1, 7:i16 week = -1, 8:i16 count=1, 9:string action="shell", 10:map<string, string> params={}) throws (1:ForsunPlanError err),
ForsunPlan remove(1:string key) throws (1:ForsunPlanError err),
ForsunPlan get(1:string key) throws (1:ForsunPlanError err),
list<ForsunPlan> getCurrent(),
list<ForsunPlan> getTime(1:i32 timestamp),
list<string> getKeys(1:string prefix),
void forsun_call(1:string key, 2:i32 ts, 3:map<string, string> params)
git clone https://github.com/snower/forsun
cd forsun
mkdir /var/lib/forsun
mkdir /var/log/forsun
docker build -t forsun:0.0.2 .
docker run -d -p 6458:6458 -v /var/lib/forsun:/var/lib/forsun -v /var/log/forsun:/var/log/forsun forsun:0.0.2
回调器参数为create和createTimeout最后一个参数params key和value的map。
- cmd shell命令
- cwd 工作目录
- env 环境变量,以;分割=号连接的字符串,如:a=1;b=c
- url 请求接口URL字符串
- method 请求方法,只支持get,post,put,delete,head五种方法
- body 请求体字符串
- header_ 以header_为前缀的key都会放到请求header中
- auth_username 校验用户名
- auth_password 校验密码
- auth_mode 校验方法
- user_agent 请求User-Agent
- connect_timeout 连接超时时间,默认5秒
- request_timeout 请求超时时间,默认60秒
- host redis服务器地址,默认127.0.0.1
- port redis服务器端口,默认6379
- selected_db redis运行命令db
- max_connections 连接redis服务器最大连接数,第一次连接时的命令中的值有效
- command 需要执行的命令,多条命令以;分割
- host mysql服务器地址,默认127.0.0.1
- port mysql服务器端口,默认3306
- db mysql运行命令db,默认mysql
- user mysql登陆用户名,默认root
- passwd mysql登陆密码,默认空字符串
- max_connections 连接redis服务器最大连接数,第一次连接时的命令中的值有效
- sql 需要执行的sql
- host beanstalk服务器地址,默认127.0.0.1
- port beanstalk服务器端口,默认11300
- name 队列名称,默认default
- body 推送的消息体
回调thrift接口时,固定请求void forsun_call(1:string key, 2:i32 ts, 3:map<string, string> params)该函数,第三个params参数即为任务定义时的params值。
- host thrift服务器地址,默认127.0.0.1
- port thrift服务器端口,默认5643
- max_connections 连接thrift服务器最大连接数,第一次连接时的命令中的值有效
forsun uses the MIT license, see LICENSE file for the details.