is a small package that can be used to run autopkg
within CI/CD environments such as GitHub Actions.
The easiest way to run it is by installing with pip.
pip install autopkg-wrapper
-h, --help Show this help message and exit
--recipe-file RECIPE_FILE Path to a list of recipes to run (cannot be run with --recipes)
--recipes [RECIPES ...] Recipes to run with autopkg (cannot be run with --recipe-file)
--debug Enable debug logging when running script
--override-trust If set recipe override trust verification will be disabled. (Default: True)
--github-token GITHUB_TOKEN A token used to publish a PR to your GitHub repo if overrides require their trust to be updated
--branch-name BRANCH_NAME Branch name to be used where recipe overrides have failed their trust verification and need to be updated.
By default, this will be in the format of "fix/update_trust_information/YYYY-MM-DDTHH-MM-SS"
--create-pr If enabled, autopkg_wrapper will open a PR for updated trust information
--autopkg-prefs AW_AUTOPKG_PREFS_FILE
Path to the autopkg preferences you'd like to use
--autopkg-overrides-repo-path AUTOPKG_OVERRIDES_REPO_PATH
The path on disk to the git repository containing the autopkg overrides directory. If none is provided, we will try to determine it for you.
An example folder structure and GitHub Actions Workflow is available within the actions-demo