We made Operating System Virtual Lab where students are able to learn Disk Scheduling Algorithms from scratch and also implement Algorithms in this website. Here we also provide animated video for clearing basic ideas. And for deep understanding also various blogs and tutorials are available.
Check Here
- Disk Scheduling
- Page Replacement
- Deadlock & Concurrency
- Scheduling
Out of this four Section our team made Disk Scheduling Algorithms.
And Our Senior made Page Replacement Algorithms.
- Magnetic Disks
- Why Disk Scheduling
- Goals of Disk Scheduling
- Seek Time, Rotational Latency, Transfer Time, Disk Access Time, Disk Response Time
- Types Of Disk Scheduling Algorithms
- FCFS scheduling algorithm
- SSTF (shortest seek time first) algorithm
- SCAN scheduling
- C-SCAN scheduling
- LOOK Scheduling
- C-LOOK scheduling
Likewise, these all six algorithms and their theory are implemented.