Put all your pdf documents in a directory structure like this:
/{yyyy}/{MM}/{yyyy-MM-dd} - {sender} - {recipient} - {subject}.pdf
2020/04/2020/2020-04-12 - Sender - Receipient - Subject.pdf
/{yyyy}/{MM}/{yyyy-MM-dd} - {sender} - {subject}.pdf
2020/04/2020/2020-04-12 - Sender - Subject.pdf
For best results make sure your documents contain actual text (using ocr if needed) to improve reliability.
The structure as is works really well on it's own to quickly find documents. Most operating systems are capable of finding files using their built-in search engine.
To make searching easier and allow searching specific documents the app can index your documents in Elasticsearch and provides an easy to use tool to search, view and download these documents.
- PHP ^7.4
- Elasticsearch ^7.6 with Ingest Attachment Processor Plugin
Recommended installation is by using the provider Dockerfile.
docker build -t dms .
docker run -d -p 1337:80 -e APP_ENV="prod" -e APP_SECRET="{something_random}" -e ELASTICSEARCH_HOSTS="{elasticsearch_host}" -v {path_to_your_documents}:/documents --name dms dms
See example setup combined with Elasticsearch and Kibana (optional) in docker-compose.yaml.
Once the app is up and running using Docker you can run the commands like this:
Setup index: docker exec dms php /var/www/html/bin/console document:setup
Index your documents: docker exec dms php /var/www/html/bin/console document:index
If you have issues installing the plugin (eg: because of java permission issues), the easiest thing to do is to manually install the plugin after spinning up the Elasticsearch container:
docker exec -i -t elasticsearch /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-plugin install ingest-attachment
Make sure you have mapped the /usr/share/elasticsearch/plugins
folder from the container to a local volume.
After this is done you must restart the container and you should be good to go.
You can use this software as-is without any warranty. You are responsible for securing your devices and software yourself.