- 这个项目是私人项目,主要是自己的工具库,组件哭
- 基于 vue 开发,依赖elementUI@2.15.14
- params visiable Boolean
- params title String "请输入用户信息"
- params btn Object
{ style: { background: 'red', color: 'white' }, text: '确定' }
- params loading Boolean
- 表单验证通过 @valid="cb"
params loading 周五好累,以后完善
params visiable Boolean
params mainImg String require('/static/img/200-301.jpg')
slot title ` 少时诵诗书 libai 不急网络挣我钱
` - slot desc ` 少时诵诗书 少时诵诗 少时诵诗书 fas fhasuidfh fsaduifh fgdsufs fsd ui libai ` - 表单验证通过 @valid="cb"- @param {string} type - The type of data to retrieve (options: "phone","whatsapp"). - @param {string} phone_number - The phone number to validate.(example: "15812341929") - @param {string} country_code - The country code of the phone number. (example: "CN") - @return {Promise} A promise that resolves to the retrieved data.
- @return {Promise<string>} The IP address as a string.
{ english_name: "United Arab Emirates", chinese_name: "阿拉伯联合酋长国", country_code: "AE", phone_code: "971", },