fix(deps): update all non-major dependencies #1844
GitHub Actions / Frontend Unit Test Results
Feb 25, 2025 in 1s
179 passed, 0 failed and 4 skipped
Report | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
packages/ingestor/reports/jest-junit.xml | 51✅ | 4⚪ | 4s | |
packages/skylarktv/reports/jest-junit.xml | 128✅ | 7s |
✅ packages/ingestor/reports/jest-junit.xml
55 tests were completed in 4s with 51 passed, 0 failed and 4 skipped.
Test suite | Passed | Failed | Skipped | Time |
src/lib/airtable.test.ts | 6✅ | 2s | ||
src/lib/skylark/saas/create.test.ts | 12✅ | 4⚪ | 3s | |
src/lib/skylark/saas/get.test.ts | 9✅ | 2s | ||
src/lib/skylark/saas/sets.test.ts | 2✅ | 498ms | ||
src/lib/skylark/saas/utils.test.ts | 22✅ | 138ms |
✅ src/lib/airtable.test.ts
airtable › getAllTables
✅ fetches all the known tables from Airtable
✅ makes a subsequent table request when an offset is returned in the airtable response
✅ returns the fields from records returned by Airtable
✅ filters out empty records
✅ catches a 404 from Airtable, returns an empty array and logs a warn
✅ throws an error when the Axios response is not a 404
✅ src/lib/skylark/saas/create.test.ts
saas/create.ts › createOrUpdateGraphQlObjectsFromAirtableUsingIntrospection
✅ makes a request to check whether the brand exists
✅ makes a request to create the brand when it does not exist
✅ makes a request to update the brand when it exists
✅ makes multiple requests when more than 10 records are sent
✅ adds the default availability to the request
saas/create.ts › createOrUpdateGraphQLCredits
✅ makes a request to check whether the Credit exists
✅ makes a request to create the Credit when it does not exist
✅ makes a request to update the Credit when it exists
saas/create.ts › createGraphQLMediaObjects
✅ does nothing when no airtable records are given
⚪ calls Skylark 11 times when all records don't have parents
✅ creates the relationships
⚪ calls Axios five times when one record has a parent
saas/create.ts › createTranslationsForGraphQLObjects
✅ creates the language version for a given object
⚪ creates multiple language versions when multiple langauges are given in Airtable
⚪ makes multiple mutations when multiple translations are given
✅ does nothing when the mediaObject doesn't exist
✅ src/lib/skylark/saas/get.test.ts
saas/get.ts › getValidPropertiesForObject
✅ makes two requests, one to get the Object's fields and one to get it's input fields
✅ returns the expected fields (they are strings)
✅ returns the expected fields (they are enums)
✅ uses the IntrospectionOnInputType response when it populated (InputTypes are more accurate)
✅ does not return any fields with kind OBJECT
saas/get.ts › getExistingObjects
✅ makes a request with the expected query
✅ returns all given uids when the request does not error
✅ returns the uids that exist when some queries return a null value
✅ rejects when an unexpected error occurs
✅ src/lib/skylark/saas/sets.test.ts
saas/sets.ts › createOrUpdateGraphQLSet › without translations
✅ makes a request to create a set containing various media objects
saas/sets.ts › createOrUpdateGraphQLSet › with translations
✅ the second language creation is an update and doesn't contain relationships or content
✅ src/lib/skylark/saas/utils.test.ts
saas/utils.ts › getUidsFromField
✅ returns all objects that match the given external_ids
saas/utils.ts › gqlObjectMeta
✅ returns the metadata for Brand (MediaObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for brands (ApiObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for Season (MediaObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for seasons (ApiObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for Episode (MediaObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for episodes (ApiObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for Movie (MediaObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for movies (ApiObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for SkylarkAsset (MediaObjectType)
✅ returns the metadata for assets (ApiObjectType)
saas/utils.ts › getValidFields
✅ returns fields object containing only properties that exist in the validProperties array
✅ takes the first item when a field is an array
✅ converts enums to the EnumType
saas/utils.ts › createGraphQLOperation
✅ does not include the updateLookup field in the args when the object does not exist
✅ adds the updateLookup field in the args when the object exists
saas/utils.ts › getGraphQLObjectAvailability
✅ returns an empty link array when availabilityField is empty and no default is given
✅ returns the default when no availabilityField is empty and a default is given
✅ returns the availabilities in availabilityFields
saas/utils.ts › getLanguageCodesFromAirtable
✅ returns the expected languages
✅ returns an empty object when no languages have codes
✅ filters out any codes that are not strings
✅ packages/skylarktv/reports/jest-junit.xml
128 tests were completed in 7s with 128 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.
✅ src/components/generic/app-background-gradient/app-background-gradient.test.tsx
AppBackgroundGradient component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/app-header/app-header.test.tsx
AppHeader component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/button/button.test.tsx
Label component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ the component renders correctly with text and no icon
✅ fires the onClick event
✅ src/components/generic/call-to-action/call-to-action.test.tsx
CallToAction component
✅ the component renders correctly when inProgress is false
✅ the component renders correctly when inProgress is true
✅ src/components/generic/carousel/carousel.test.tsx
Carousel component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ the image changes when a CarouselButton is clicked
✅ the image changes when the changeInterval is reached
✅ src/components/generic/dimension-settings/dimension-content/dimension-content.test.tsx
Skylark Branding component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/dimension-settings/dimension-radio-button/dimension-radio-button.test.tsx
Skylark Branding component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ fires the onChange event
✅ src/components/generic/dimension-settings/dimension-settings.test.tsx
Dimension Settings component
✅ the dimension settings component renders correctly when closed
✅ the dimension settings component renders correctly when open
✅ should change the active dimension language
✅ should change the active dimension customer type
✅ should change the active dimension region
✅ src/components/generic/dimension-settings/dimension-toggle/dimension-toggle.test.tsx
Dimension Toggle component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/dropdown/dropdown.test.tsx
Dropdown component
✅ the component renders correctly while clicked
✅ the component renders correctly while hovering
✅ the component renders correctly when genre is clicked
✅ the component renders correctly when genre is cleared
✅ src/components/generic/header/header.test.tsx
Header component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/hero/hero.test.tsx
Hero component
✅ the component renders children correctly
✅ src/components/generic/information-panel/information-panel.test.tsx
InformationPanel component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/label/label.test.tsx
Label component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ the component renders correctly with text and no icon
✅ fires the onClick event
✅ src/components/generic/link/link.test.tsx
Link component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/list/list.test.tsx
List component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/loading-screen/loading-screen.test.tsx
LoadingScreen component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/metadata-panel/metadata-panel.test.tsx
MetadataPanel component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/navigation/navigation-toggle/navigation-toggle.test.tsx
Navigation Toggle component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/navigation/navigation.test.tsx
Navigation component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/player/player.test.tsx
Player component
✅ the component renders with source
✅ src/components/generic/rail/rail.test.tsx
Rail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ next and previous buttons not in document when there is only one thumbnail
✅ calls scrollTo when the forward-button is pressed
✅ src/components/generic/skylark-branding/skylark-branding.test.tsx
Skylark Branding component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/thumbnail/article/article-thumbnail.test.tsx
ArticleThumbnail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/thumbnail/base/base-thumbnail.test.tsx
BaseThumbnail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/thumbnail/collection/collection-thumbnail.test.tsx
CollectionThumbnail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/thumbnail/episode/episode-thumbnail.test.tsx
EpisodeThumbnail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/thumbnail/movie/movie-thumbnail.test.tsx
MovieThumbnail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/thumbnail/standard/standard-thumbnail.test.tsx
StandardThumbnail component
✅ the component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/typography/heading/heading.test.tsx
Heading components
✅ the H1 component renders correctly
✅ the H2 component renders correctly
✅ the H3 component renders correctly
✅ the H4 component renders correctly
✅ the H5 component renders correctly
✅ the H6 component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/typography/overline/overline.test.tsx
Overline components
✅ the overline 1 component renders correctly
✅ the overline 2 component renders correctly
✅ src/components/generic/typography/subtitle/subtitle.test.tsx
Subtitle components
✅ the subtitle 1 component renders correctly
✅ the subtitle 2 component renders correctly
✅ the subtitle 3 component renders correctly
✅ src/contexts/dimensions-context/dimensions-context.test.tsx
Dimensions Context
✅ Returns the active language
✅ Returns the active customer type
✅ Sets a customer type
✅ Returns the active device type
✅ Sets an active device type
✅ src/lib/skylark/converters.test.ts
converters › convertObjectToSkylarkApiFields
✅ returns the fieldsToExpand in the expected structure
✅ returns the fields in the expected structure
converters › convertUrlToObjectType
✅ converts /api/episodes to episode
✅ converts /api/movies to movie
✅ converts /api/seasons to season
✅ converts /api/brands to brand
✅ converts /api/assets to asset
✅ converts an unknown URL to null
converters › convertToUnexpandedObjects
✅ converts an array of urls to UnexpandedObjects
converters › convertToUnexpandedSkylarkObjects
✅ converts an array of urls to UnexpandedSkylarkObjects
✅ src/lib/skylark/graphqlClient.test.ts
✅ instantiates a new GraphQLClient
✅ src/lib/utils/classic.test.ts
utils › getImageSrc
✅ returns the matching image source for the given type
✅ returns empty string if the images is undefined
✅ returns empty string if the images have not been expanded by the API
✅ returns empty string if the given image array is empty
✅ returns first image if the type isn't found
✅ returns an the image source with given sizing
utils › getCreditsByType
✅ returns all Directors
✅ returns no Actors as none are given
✅ returns an empty array as credits is undefined
utils › formatCredits
✅ returns credit people names
✅ filters credits that do not have a name
✅ adds character name when 4 or less credits are given with character names
✅ does not add character names when 5 credits are given with character names
✅ src/lib/utils/utils.test.ts
utils › getImageSrcAndSizeByWindow
✅ returns image without size if window is undefined
✅ returns image with size set to window innerWidth as it is larger than innerHeight
✅ returns image with size set to window innerHeight as it is larger than innerWidth
utils › skylarkRequestWithDimensions
✅ makes a request without additional headers when time travel is empty
✅ makes a request and adds the time travel header when its populated
utils › getTitleByOrder
✅ returns the short title as its given as the type and all titles are valid
✅ returns the long title as its given as the type and all titles are valid
✅ returns the long title even though it is lowest priority as short and medium are both empty
✅ returns an empty string when all TitleTypes are empty
✅ returns an empty string when a valid title exists but it is not in the priority array
✅ returns the objectTitle when no titles are valid and an objectTitle is given
✅ returns the objectTitle when the titles are undefined
utils › formatReleaseDate
✅ returns date in the default format when a format isn't given
✅ returns date in the default format when the date has a timezone and a format isn't given
✅ returns date in the given format when a format is given
✅ returns empty string when date is undefined
✅ translates release date to the given locale
utils › sortObjectByNumberProperty
✅ sorts the objects by the number property
utils › sortArrayIntoAlphabeticalOrder
✅ sorts the array of strings into alphabetical order
utils › addCloudinaryOnTheFlyImageTransformation
✅ correctly prefixes with cloudinary url for Skylark S3 (https)
✅ correctly prefixes with cloudinary url for Skylark S3 (http)
✅ does nothing when already prefixed
✅ correctly adds resizing when url is already cloudinary
✅ tests/lib/getPageSeoData.test.ts
✅ returns the data required for SEO previews
✅ returns NotFound when Skylark returns a NotFound error
✅ returns empty data when an unexpected error occurs
✅ tests/lib/utils.test.ts
utils.ts › formatGraphQLCredits
✅ returns credits with the character name when credits has a length of 2
utils.ts › convertObjectToName
✅ returns an empty array when no objects are given
✅ returns an array of names
utils.ts › getFirstRatingValue
✅ returns an empty string when no objects are given
✅ returns the first rating's value
utils.ts › getGraphQLImageSrc
✅ returns an empty string when no images are given
✅ returns the image url for the Thumbnail
✅ returns the first image when none are found for the given type
utils.ts › getTitleByOrderForGraphQLObject
✅ returns the expected title
utils.ts › getSynopsisByOrderForGraphQLObject
✅ returns the expected synopsis
utils.ts › createGraphQLQueryDimensions
✅ translates the active dimensions into the expected GraphQL format
utils.ts › convertTypenameToObjectType
✅ converts a given typename to the expected type
utils.ts › convertGraphQLSetType
✅ converts a collection set type
✅ converts a rail set type
✅ converts a slider set type
✅ defaults to a set type of page