Simple Zola-based podcast website, designed for fans of self-hosted-ness.
- Statically generated
- RSS support
- Support for static pages (eg. About page)
- Content in markdown files
- "Read more" feature
- Native HTML
player - Simple, responsive CSS based only on normalize.css
- Easily customisable
- No JS
- Zola is the only third-party dependency used
Clone, edit config.toml with your podcast details, delete example episodes, deploy.
Start auto-reload web server:
zola serve
- There is no theme used, all HTML files are in the
directory. - Content is stored as markdown files.
- Episodes are stored in
- Static pages are stored in
- Episode sound files are stored anywhere and linked in episode markdown files.
$ tree
├── config.toml # zola configuration file
├── content/ # markdown content files
│ ├── # static pages file (About page)
│ └── episodes/ # contains episode files in markdown
│ ├── # zola file to designate taxonomy
│ ├── # example first episode markdown file
│ └── # another example episode
├── public/ # generated HTML files
│ ├── 404.html # generated
│ ├── atom.xml # generated RSS
│ ├── about/ # generated
│ │ └── index.html # generated
│ ├── episodes/ # generated
│ │ ├── episode-1/ # generated
│ │ │ └── index.html # generated
│ │ ├── episode-2/ # generated
│ │ │ └── index.html # generated
│ │ └── index.html # generated
│ ├── index.html # generated
│ ├── main.css # generated
│ ├── robots.txt # generated
│ └── sitemap.xml # generated
├── static/
│ └── main.css # source CSS styles
└── templates/ # HTML files
├── 404.html
├── index.html # main layout and index file
├── page.html # template for static pages
└── episode.html # template for podcast episode pages
One can deploy on a number of free services, eg. Netlify, GitHub, Gitlab, et al.
One can also deploy on their own server. There is an nginx configuration file using standard practices and configured with Letsencrypt SSL.
To generate the certificate, one can use this command with certbot installed:
certbot certonly --webroot -d --email -w /var/www/_letsencrypt -n --agree-tos
Note: One will need to comment out the SSL server
directive before running the above command.
The index looks like this:
The episode page like this:
Code licensed under MIT.