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@PragTob PragTob released this 05 Jan 11:08
· 195 commits to master since this release

This is a huge release highlighted by changing our support for ruby versions to 2.4+ (so things that aren't EOL'ed) and finally adding branch coverage support!

This release is still beta because we'd love for you to test out branch coverage and get your feedback before doing a full release.

On a personal note from @PragTob thanks to ruby together for sponsoring this work on SimpleCov making it possible to deliver this and subsequent releases.


  • Dropped support for all EOL'ed rubies meaning we only support 2.4+. Simplecov can no longer be installed on older rubies, but older simplecov releases should still work. (thanks @deivid-rodriguez)
  • Dropped the rake simplecov task that "magically" integreated with rails. It was always undocumented, caused some issues and had some issues. Use the integration as described in the README please :)


  • Branch coverage is here! Please try it out and test it! You can activate it with enable_coverage :branch. See the README for more details. This is thanks to a bunch of people most notably @som4ik, @tycooon, @stepozer, @klyonrad and your humble maintainers also contributed ;)
  • If the minimum coverage is set to be greater than 100, a warning will be shown. See #737 (thanks @belfazt)
  • Add a configuration option to disable the printing of non-successful exit statuses. See #747 (thanks @JacobEvelyn)
  • Calculating 100% coverage is now stricter, so 100% means 100%. See #680 thanks @gleseur


  • Add new instance of Minitest constant. The MiniTest constant (with the capital T) will be removed in the next major release of Minitest. See #757 (thanks @adam12)