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Introduce a SimpleCov.collate entry point
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ticky authored and deivid-rodriguez committed Jan 17, 2020
1 parent 47ffeed commit b678cf3
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## Enhancements
* Allow early running exit tasks and avoid the `at_exit` hook through the `SimpleCov.run_exit_tasks!` method. (thanks [@macumber]:
* Allow manual collation of result sets through the `SimpleCov.collate` entrypoint. See the README for more details (thanks [@ticky](

0.18.0.beta2 (2020-01-05)
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You normally want to have your coverage analyzed across ALL of your test suites, right?

Simplecov automatically caches coverage results in your (coverage_path)/.resultset.json. Those results will then
be automatically merged when generating the result, so when coverage is set up properly for Cucumber and your
unit / functional / integration tests, all of those test suites will be taken into account when building the
coverage report.

There are two things to note here though:
Simplecov automatically caches coverage results in your
(coverage_path)/.resultset.json, and will merge or override those with
subsequent runs, depending on whether simplecov considers those subsequent runs
as different test suites or as the same test suite as the cached results. To
make this distinction, simplecov has the concept of "test suite names".

### Test suite names

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -531,14 +530,84 @@ SimpleCov.command_name "features" + (ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] || '')

[simplecov-html] prints the used test suites in the footer of the generated coverage report.

### Timeout for merge

Of course, your cached coverage data is likely to become invalid at some point. Thus, result sets that are older than
`SimpleCov.merge_timeout` will not be used any more. By default, the timeout is 600 seconds (10 minutes), and you can
raise (or lower) it by specifying `SimpleCov.merge_timeout 3600` (1 hour), or, inside a configure/start block, with
just `merge_timeout 3600`.
### Merging test runs under the same execution environment

Test results are automatically merged with previous runs in the same execution
environment when generating the result, so when coverage is set up properly for
Cucumber and your unit / functional / integration tests, all of those test
suites will be taken into account when building the coverage report.

#### Timeout for merge

Of course, your cached coverage data is likely to become invalid at some point. Thus, when automatically merging
subsequent test runs, result sets that are older than `SimpleCov.merge_timeout` will not be used any more. By default,
the timeout is 600 seconds (10 minutes), and you can raise (or lower) it by specifying `SimpleCov.merge_timeout 3600`
(1 hour), or, inside a configure/start block, with just `merge_timeout 3600`.

You can deactivate this automatic merging altogether with `SimpleCov.use_merging false`.

### Merging test runs under different execution environments

If your tests are done in parallel across multiple build machines, you can fetch them all and merge them into a single
result set using the `SimpleCov.collate` method. This can be added to a Rakefile or script file, having downloaded a set of
`.resultset.json` files from each parallel test run.

# lib/tasks/coverage_report.rake
namespace :coverage do
desc "Collates all result sets generated by the different test runners"
task :report do
require 'simplecov'

SimpleCov.collate Dir["simplecov-resultset-*/.resultset.json"]

`SimpleCov.collate` also takes an optional simplecov profile and an optional
block for configuration, just the same as `SimpleCov.start` or
`SimpleCov.configure`. This means you can configure a separate formatter for
the collated output. For instance, you can make the formatter in
`SimpleCov.start` the `SimpleCov::Formatter::SimpleFormatter`, and only use more
complex formatters in the final `SimpleCov.collate` run.

# spec/spec_helper.rb
require 'simplecov'

SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
# Disambiguates individual test runs
command_name "Job #{ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"]}" if ENV["TEST_ENV_NUMBER"]

if ENV['CI']
formatter SimpleCov::Formatter::SimpleFormatter

track_files "**/*.rb"

# lib/tasks/coverage_report.rake
namespace :coverage do
task :report do
require 'simplecov'

You can deactivate merging altogether with `SimpleCov.use_merging false`.
SimpleCov.collate Dir["simplecov-resultset-*/.resultset.json"], 'rails' do

## Running coverage only on demand

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43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions features/test_unit_collate.feature
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Using SimpleCov.collate should get the user a coverage report

Given SimpleCov for Test/Unit is configured with:
require 'simplecov'

When I successfully run `bundle exec rake part1`
Then a coverage report should have been generated
When I successfully run `mv coverage/.resultset.json coverage/resultset1.json`
And I successfully run `rm coverage/index.html`

When I successfully run `bundle exec rake part2`
Then a coverage report should have been generated
When I successfully run `mv coverage/.resultset.json coverage/resultset2.json`
And I successfully run `rm coverage/index.html`

When I open the coverage report generated with `bundle exec rake collate`
Then I should see the groups:
| name | coverage | files |
| All Files | 91.38% | 6 |

And I should see the source files:
| name | coverage |
| lib/faked_project.rb | 100.0 % |
| lib/faked_project/some_class.rb | 80.0 % |
| lib/faked_project/framework_specific.rb | 75.0 % |
| lib/faked_project/meta_magic.rb | 100.0 % |
| test/meta_magic_test.rb | 100.0 % |
| test/some_class_test.rb | 100.0 % |

# Note: faked_test.rb is not appearing here since that's the first unit test file
# loaded by Rake, and only there test_helper is required, which then loads simplecov
# and triggers tracking of all other loaded files! Solution for this would be to
# configure simplecov in this first test instead of test_helper.

And the report should be based upon:
| Unit Tests |
47 changes: 44 additions & 3 deletions lib/simplecov.rb
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Expand Up @@ -46,15 +46,50 @@ class << self
def start(profile = nil, &block)
require "coverage"
load_profile(profile) if profile
configure(&block) if block_given?
initial_setup(profile, &block)
@result = nil
self.running = true =


# Collate a series of SimpleCov result files into a single SimpleCov output.
# You can optionally specify configuration with a block:
# SimpleCov.collate Dir["simplecov-resultset-*/.resultset.json"]
# OR
# SimpleCov.collate Dir["simplecov-resultset-*/.resultset.json"], 'rails' # using rails profile
# OR
# SimpleCov.collate Dir["simplecov-resultset-*/.resultset.json"] do
# add_filter 'test'
# end
# OR
# SimpleCov.collate Dir["simplecov-resultset-*/.resultset.json"], 'rails' do
# add_filter 'test'
# end
# Please check out the RDoc for SimpleCov::Configuration to find about
# available config options, or checkout the README for more in-depth
# information about coverage collation
def collate(result_filenames, profile = nil, &block)
raise "There's no reports to be merged" if result_filenames.empty?

initial_setup(profile, &block)

results = result_filenames.flat_map do |filename|
# Re-create each included instance of SimpleCov::Result from the stored run data.
(JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true) || {}).map do |command_name, coverage|
SimpleCov::Result.from_hash(command_name => coverage)

# Use the ResultMerger to produce a single, merged result, ready to use.
@result = SimpleCov::ResultMerger.merge_and_store(*results)


# Returns the result for the current coverage run, merging it across test suites
# from cache using SimpleCov::ResultMerger if use_merging is activated (default)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -255,6 +290,12 @@ def write_last_run(covered_percent)


def initial_setup(profile, &block)
load_profile(profile) if profile
configure(&block) if block_given?
self.running = true

# Trigger Coverage.start depends on given config coverage_criterion
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions lib/simplecov/result_merger.rb
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Expand Up @@ -62,6 +62,12 @@ def results

def merge_and_store(*results)
result = merge_results(*results)
store_result(result) if result

# Merge two or more SimpleCov::Results into a new one with merged
# coverage data and the command_name for the result consisting of a join
# on all source result's names
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87 changes: 86 additions & 1 deletion spec/simplecov_spec.rb
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describe ".collate" do
let(:resultset1) do
{source_fixture("sample.rb") => {lines: [nil, 1, 1, 1, nil, nil, 1, 1, nil, nil]}}

let(:resultset2) do
{source_fixture("sample.rb") => {lines: [1, nil, 1, 1, nil, nil, 1, 1, nil, nil]}}

let(:resultset_path) { SimpleCov::ResultMerger.resultset_path }

let(:resultset_folder) { File.dirname(resultset_path) }

context "when no files to be merged" do
it "shows an error message" do
expect do
glob = Dir.glob("#{resultset_folder}/*.final", File::FNM_DOTMATCH)
SimpleCov.collate glob raise_error("There's no reports to be merged")

context "when files to be merged" do
before do
expect(SimpleCov).to receive(:run_exit_tasks!)

context "and a single report to be merged" do
before do
create_mergeable_report("result1", resultset1)

after do

it "creates a merged report identical to the original" do
glob = Dir.glob("#{resultset_folder}/*.final", File::FNM_DOTMATCH)
SimpleCov.collate glob

expected = {"result1": {coverage: {source_fixture("sample.rb") => {lines: [nil, 1, 1, 1, nil, nil, 1, 1, nil, nil]}}}}
collated = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true).transform_values { |v| v.reject { |k| k == :timestamp } }
expect(collated).to eq(expected)

context "and multiple reports to be merged" do
before do
create_mergeable_report("result1", resultset1)
create_mergeable_report("result2", resultset2)

after do
clear_mergeable_reports("result1", "result2")

it "creates a merged report" do
glob = Dir.glob("#{resultset_folder}/*.final", File::FNM_DOTMATCH)
SimpleCov.collate glob

expected = {"result1, result2": {coverage: {source_fixture("sample.rb") => {lines: [1, 1, 2, 2, nil, nil, 2, 2, nil, nil]}}}}
collated = JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true).transform_values { |v| v.reject { |k| k == :timestamp } }
expect(collated).to eq(expected)


def create_mergeable_report(name, resultset)
result =
result.command_name = name
SimpleCov::ResultMerger.store_result(result) resultset_path, "#{resultset_path}#{name}.final"

def clear_mergeable_reports(*names)
FileUtils.rm resultset_path
FileUtils.rm "#{resultset_path}.lock"
names.each { |name| FileUtils.rm "#{resultset_path}#{name}.final" }

# Normally wouldn't test private methods but just start has side effects that
# cause errors so for time this is pragmatic (tm)
describe ".start_coverage_measurement", if: SimpleCov.coverage_start_arguments_supported? do
before :each do
after :each do
# SimpleCov is a Singleton/global object so once any test enables
# any kind of coverage data it stays there.
# Hence, we use clear_coverage_data to create a "clean slate" for these tests
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17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions test_projects/faked_project/Rakefile
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Expand Up @@ -8,3 +8,20 @@ do |test|
test.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"].sort
test.verbose = true
end do |test|
test.libs << "lib"
test.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"].sort
test.verbose = true
end do |test|
test.libs << "test"
test.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"].sort
test.verbose = true

task :collate do
require "simplecov"
SimpleCov.collate Dir["coverage/resultset*.json"]

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