Releases: silentbobbert/EFCache.Redis
Releases · silentbobbert/EFCache.Redis
Close issue, and new release published to nuget
PR44 - Upgrade to EFCache v1.3.2, add support for netstandard2.1
This release upgrades to EFCache v1.3.2 to gain support for ISerializable on ColumnMetadata, and adds support for netstandard2.1
PR42: Improve Locking
2020.8.21.1 2020.8.21.1
PR40: Use Redis expiration
Make better use of redis native expiration features. Also add support for 4.8 to nuspec file.
Update to StackExchange.Redis 2.0.519
2019.03.11.1 2019.3.11.1