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How are the storage tries structured? #4

Answered by siladu
siladu asked this question in Q&A
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Answer from @ajsutton:

Each contract account has its own (potentially empty) storage: a new merkle trie. This represents the "inter-transactional state" and comes at a cost (in gas).
Some contracts have lots of storage.
Many smaller tries is a good model because you avoid paying the gas costs of hashing lots of small changes to one big trie. (Does besu's BONSAI mode change this?).
A merkle trie is a good choice because you're still able to identify it with a single hash.

If you store the accounts' storage tries by storageRoot rather than the more natural account address, i.e. Map<StorageRoot, StorageTrie> rather than Map<Account, StorageTrie> then this leads to de-duplication since two co…

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Jul 16, 2022
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Answer selected by siladu
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