This is a simple Mosquitto broker to quickly initialize projects requiring an MQTT broker.
For development purposes, you need to setup the project:
It will rebuild the mosquitto server (and will purge volumes)
make dev
Find other
helper command in the Makefile
The Mosquitto broker is now available on localhost. You can test it easily (require Mosquitto client):
| In one shell:
mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t "sensor/temperature"
| In a second shell:
mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t sensor/temperature -m 23
The config file is in the file mosquito.conf
By default we activated the log and data persistance (logs are in the log
folder, and data are stored in a docker volume).
By default authentication is disactivated
Change these Dockerfiles arguments:
- AUTH_METHOD=password
- AUTH_USER=admin
By default TLS is disactivated
Change these Dockerfiles arguments for self-signed certificates:
- TLS=true