Useful tool for both personal and team projects. Implemented with Django + Bootstrap, but also provides Django REST API for frontend.
Take a look:
- Fullstack app is deployed on Heroku;
- For using as API check out documentation.
To access platform, you must create a user or authorize as one of registered users.
password (same for all users):
- Dynamic task management:
- add, update and delete tasks
- organize your tasks into groups (labels)
- control task progress (statuses)
- take responsibility or delegate (executor)
- search for related tasks (filtration)
- Users: registration, authorization, personal page, editing rights.
- Friendly redirect messages, reporting on completed and failed user commands.
Python3 • Django • DRF • Pytest • PostgreSQL • Gunicorn • Heroku • Bootstrap • HTML • Linux • Git • Github Actions (CI) • Flake8 • CodeClimate
- Fullstack development (Django + Bootstrap)
- Building API with Django REST Framework
- Django ORM practice and debug
- Integrating Django built-ins with custom features
- CI/CD (GitHub Actions + Heroku)
git clone
cd task-manager/
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
make install
python3 migrate
make test
python3 runserver
Training project at