This project is an open source project of "C++ Implementation of Super-Resolution resizing with Convolutional Neural Network".
- Pull request accepted from SRCNN_OpenCV_GCC, which has been verified in Linux environment with updated OpenCV 4. Original reporitory with OpenCV 3 has been archived in V1.0.0 branch. Thanks for the contributions from rageworx.
- OpenCV 4 compatibility updated.
- Supporting macOS universal binary.
OpenCV is too large for specific applications, you may need the following two non-OpenCV models in some cases.
- libsrcnn is a stand-alone non-OpenCV library, with 4 times more faster than OpenCV model: rageworx/libsrcnn.
- stb-image-srcnn is an stb-based non-OpenCV library: zvezdochiot/stb-image-srcnn.
This is an open source project from original of this: SRCNN_Cpp is a C++ Implementation of Image Super-Resolution using SRCNN which is proposed by Chao Dong in 2014.
If you want to find the details of SRCNN algorithm, please read the paper:
Chao Dong, Chen Change Loy, Kaiming He, Xiaoou Tang. Learning a Deep Convolutional Network for Image Super-Resolution, in Proceedings of European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2014
If you want to download the training code(caffe) or test code(Matlab) for SRCNN, please open your browse and visit for more details.
And thank you very much for Chao's work in SRCNN.
- Code modification from original SRCNN.
- OpenMP parallel processing, improved performance.
- Supports almost of platform - POSIX compatibled.
- MSYS2 and MinGW-W64
- GCC of Linux
- LLVM or CLANG of macOS, suporting universal binary build.
The repo is released under the GPL v2 License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).
- Windows may need MSYS2 and MinGW-W64.
- You need to install latest version of OpenCV to your build environments,
install opencv libraries into your system with one of these:
- MSYS2:
pacman -S /mingw-w64-x86_64-opencv
- Debian:
sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev
- MacOS
- Before install Brew :
sudo xcode-select --install sudo xcodebuild -license ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
- After installed Brew :
brew update brew install opencv4
- MSYS2:
- Manual staic build OpenCV [Refer to OpenCV Installation]
- Clone or download OpenCV source to you base level directory of this sources.
cd ~/<my_working_directory> git clone git clone
- Go to opencv, then make a 'build' directory.
cd ~/opencv mkdir build cd build cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local .. make -j8 # runs 8 jobs in parallel sudo make install
- In case of MSYS2 Makefile, type like this.
- This project doesn't using video decoding, and there's too many erorrs occurs on Video processing source in OpenCV ( damn sucks cmake options, they're useless )
You can compile the C/C++ files on the command line in your POSIX shell.
If the compile is successful, you will see linked binary in 'bin' directory.
./bin/srcnn ./Pictures/test.jpg
The generated image will be ./Pictures/test_resized.jpg