This platform aims to share notes, ppts, assignments and such among the common faculty and students of institute. The website has been done in Django, with SQLite3 as backup. Given are various steps for above.
Python, git, and pip. Code editor preferred if vs code is used.
Clone the above repository using
git clone
Navigate to repository using
cd student-res/student_resource_sharing
Activate virtual environment as per directions in directory:
python -m venv venv
If the venv shows Scripts instead of bin, replace with Scripts instead. Just make sure you use the path towards activating the venv. This will activate the virtual environment.
Install requirements using
pip install -r requirements.txt
Just to make sure migrations are in order: - run command
python makemigrations
- after which runpython migrate
Now for admin login you will want to create an admin in terminal. For this you will type in
python createsuperuser
. You will be asked to give username, email and password. Do the needful and you will have an admin account. -
Run in local using command
python runserver
- File upload
- User authentication(While signing up, it would be preferred to use '' email id)
- Admin authentication(note: works different than user authentication)
- Admin has various privileges such as determining status of files. Through admin one can view all users and delete the users.
- integrate with a NoSQL database such as through Firebase or MongoDB
- Add filter system which allows filtering of notes by Branch and file type.
- Account 1: Type faculty
- email:
- password: 123456
- Account 2: Type normal student user
- email:
- password: 123456
- Account 3: Type admin: Use in admin login you can navigate to by clicking admin in top right navbar.
- email:
- password: 1234567