Software to manage the electricity billing system made by C++ program that's run on TurboC++
The Electricity Billing System is a C++ program that allows users to manage and track electricity billing records for customers. The system provides features such as adding, modifying, deleting, and viewing individual or all records.
User Authentication:
- Username and password authentication to access the main menu.
Menu Options:
- Add Record: Input customer information (code, name, present reading, previous reading).
- Modify Record: Edit existing records based on the customer code.
- Delete Record: Remove a record based on the customer code.
- View One Record: Display information for a specific customer based on their code.
- View All Records: List all customer records with total billing information.
Billing Calculation:
- Formulas for calculating electricity consumption costs, including generation cost, distribution cost, VAT, other charges, and total billing.
File Handling:
- Save and load customer records using the "bill.dat" file.
- Compile the code using a C++ compiler.
Run the Program:
- Execute the compiled program.
User Authentication:
- Enter the default username and password when prompted.
Navigate Menu:
- Choose options to manage electricity billing records.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone