Shogun Lab
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building-c2-implants-in-cpp Public
The source code files that accompany the short book "Building C2 Implants in C++: A Primer" by Steven Patterson (@shogun_lab).
SharpHound Public
Forked from SpecterOps/SharpHoundC# Data Collector for BloodHound
C# GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 11, 2024 -
OST-C2-Spec Public
Forked from rasta-mouse/OST-C2-SpecOpen Source C&C Specification
MIT License UpdatedAug 3, 2024 -
Gitformant Public archive
OSINT tool for discovering confidential data leaked on Github.
shuriken Public archive
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) command line tool for testing lists of XSS payloads on web apps.
HiddenDesktop Public
Forked from WKL-Sec/HiddenDesktopHVNC for Cobalt Strike
C MIT License UpdatedMay 25, 2023 -
VX-API Public
Forked from vxunderground/VX-APICollection of various malicious functionality to aid in malware development
C++ MIT License UpdatedNov 5, 2022 -
Mochi Public
Mochi is a proof-of-concept C++ loader that leverages the ChaiScript embedded scripting language to execute code.
Sukoshi Public
Sukoshi is a proof-of-concept Python/C++ implant that leverages the MQTT protocol for C2 and uses AWS IoT Core as infrastructure.
FindETWProviderImage Public
Forked from matterpreter/FindETWProviderImageQuickly search for references to a GUID in DLLs, EXEs, and drivers
guacamole-packer Public
Forked from cisagov/guacamole-packerCreate machine images containing the Guacamole remote desktop gateway
cool-assessment-terraform Public
Forked from cisagov/cool-assessment-terraformTerraform to deploy an assessment environment to the COOL
pca-gophish-composition-packer Public
Forked from cisagov/pca-gophish-composition-packerCreate machine images that include cisagov/pca-gophish-composition
terraformer-packer Public
Forked from cisagov/terraformer-packerCreate an AMI that can be used to deploy AWS resources via Terraform.
teamserver-packer Public
Forked from cisagov/teamserver-packerCreate an AMI with CobaltStrike and related tools.
cool-accounts Public
Forked from cisagov/cool-accountsTerraform code to configure the accounts for the COOL.
cool-images-assessment-images Public
Forked from cisagov/cool-images-assessment-imagesTerraform code to create resources to provide storage and access for assessment images in the COOL.
cool-system Public
Forked from HU-MA/cool-systemThe Cloud Optimized Operational Lab (COOL) system
cpp-implant Public
Forked from JLospinoso/cpp-implantA simple implant showcasing modern C++
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 6, 2020 -
awesome-hyper-v-exploitation Public
A curated list of Hyper-V exploitation resources, fuzzing and vulnerability research.
cpp_vs_payload_template Public
Forked from 0xC0D1F1ED/cpp_vs_payload_templateVisual Studio (C++) Solution Template for Payloads
ccc Public
Forked from JLospinoso/cccCompanion Code for C++ Crash Course
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJan 27, 2020 -
ghidra_blog_binaries Public
Repository hosting binaries for the Ghidra blog posts at Shogun Lab.
Recon-AD Public
Forked from outflanknl/Recon-ADRecon-AD, an AD recon tool based on ADSI and reflective DLL’s
C++ UpdatedOct 20, 2019