The content management system for the Public Lab research community, the plots2 web application is a combination of a group research blog of what we call "research notes" and a wiki. Read more about the data model here.
It showcases a variety of features that help the Public Lab community collaborate on environmental technology design and documentation, as well as community organizing. Originally a Drupal site, it was rewritten in 2012 in Ruby on Rails and has since extended but not entirely replaced the legacy Drupal data model and database design. We ❤️ Open Source and actively participate in various OSS programs such as Google Summer of Code(GSoC), Rails Girls Summer of Code (RGSoC), Outreachy and Google Code-In (GCI). Some key features include:
- A Question and Answer system for peer-based problem solving
- A rich text and Markdown research note and wiki editor
- Wiki editing and revision tracking
- Tagging and tag-based content organization
- Email notification subscriptions for tags and comments
- A search interface built out of our growing API
- A user dashboard presenting recent activity
- A privacy-sensitive, Leaflet-based location tagging system and community map
- What Makes This Project Different
- Data model
- Contributing
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- SSL in Development
- Testing
- Bundle Exec
- Reply-by-email
- Bugs and Support
- Recaptcha
- Internationalization
- Security
- Developers
- First Time?
The people who create our platform make very different design and technology decisions from other projects, and this stems from our deep belief that, to see a change in the world, we must build and maintain systems that reflect our values and principles.
From design to system architecture to basic vocabulary and communication patterns, our systems have grown organically since 2010 to support a powerful, diverse, and cooperative network of people capable of taking on environmental problems that affect communities around the world. The platform we have built together speaks to this shared history in many ways, big and small. It reflects input from people facing serious health issues, on-the-ground organizers, policy specialists, hardware hackers, educators, and civil servants.
This broad community, and the Public Lab team have facilitated a space where we can discuss, break down, construct, prototype, and critique real-world projects. Together we have shaped a platform that incorporates familiar pieces, but ultimately looks and feels quite different from anywhere else on the internet. Our platform continues to grow and be refined, but it also reflects a commitment to listening to one another, to mutual respect and support, to an awareness of the barriers and challenges presented by gaps in expertise and knowledge, and a sensitivity to the inequalities and power imbalances perpetuated by many mainstream modes of knowledge production and technological and scientific development.
Our mutual aims of democratizing inexpensive and accessible do-it-yourself techniques has allowed us to create a collaborative network of practitioners who actively re-imagine the human relationship with the environment. Our goals are supported and facilitated by a system which questions and even challenges how collaborative work can happen.
(Above: draft of our Data model)
We welcome contributions, and are especially interested in welcoming first time contributors. Read more about how to contribute below! We especially welcome contributions from people belonging to groups under-represented in free and open source software!
Please read and abide by our Code of Conduct; our community aspires to be a respectful place both during online and in-person interactions.
For installation, prerequisites include sqlite3 and rvm. Click here for a complete list and instructions.
For information on how to install for use with the cloud environment, please see here.
- Fork our repo from
- In the console, download a copy of your forked repo with
git clone
is your GitHub username. - Enter the new plots2 directory with
cd plots2
. - Steps to install gems:
- You may need to first run
bundle install
if you have older gems in your environment from previous Rails work. If you get an error message likeYour Ruby version is 2.x.x, but your Gemfile specified 2.4.4
then you need to install the ruby version 2.4.4 usingrvm
.- Using rvm:
rvm install 2.4.4
followed byrvm use 2.4.4
- Using rbenv:
rbenv install 2.4.4
followed byrbenv local 2.4.4
- Using rvm:
- Install gems with
bundle install --without production mysql
from the rails root folder, to install the gems you'll need, excluding those needed only in production.
- You may need to first run
- Make a copy of
and place it atdb/schema.rb
. - Make a copy of
and place it atconfig/database.yml
- Run
rake db:setup
to set up the database - Install static assets (like external javascript libraries, fonts) with
yarn install
- By default, start rails with
passenger start
from the Rails root and open http://localhost:3000 in a web browser. (for local SSL work, see SSL below) - Wheeeee! You're up and running! Log in with test usernames "user", "moderator", or "admin", and password "password".
- Run
rails test
to confirm that your install is working properly. Orrails test:system
for system tests.
We, at Public Lab use openssl gem to provide SSL for the secure connection in the development mode. You can run the https connection on the localhost by following following steps:
- Use
passenger start --ssl --ssl-certificate config/localhost.crt --ssl-certificate-key config/localhost.key --ssl-port 3001
. - Open up https://localhost:3001.
- Add security exceptions from the advance settings of the browser. You can also use http (unsecure connection) on the port number 3000 by going to 'http://localhost:3000'. We use port number 3001 for 'https' and port number 3000 for 'http' connection. Secure connection is needed for OAuth authentication etc.
Click here for a comprehensive description of testing.
- We are using whenever gem to schedule cron jobs. Whenever
- All the cron jobs are written in easy ruby syntax using this gem and can be found in config/schedule.rb.
- Go to the config/schedule.rb file to create and modify the cron jobs.
- Click here to know about how to write cron jobs.
- After updating config/schedule.rb file run the command
whenever --update-crontab
to update the cron jobs. - To see the installed list of cron jobs use command
crontab -l
- For more details about this gem, visit the official repository of whenever gem.
For some, it will be necessary to prepend your gem-related commands with bundle exec
For example, bundle exec passenger start
Adding bundle exec
ensures you're using the version of passenger you just installed with Bundler.
bundle exec rake db:setup
, bundle exec rake db:seed
are other examples of where this might be necessary.
Public Lab now supports reply by email to comment feature. For more details regarding it go to the email documentation
To report bugs and request features, please use the GitHub issue tracker provided at
For additional support, join the Public Lab website and mailing list at or for urgent requests, email
This application uses RECAPTCHA via the recaptcha gem in production only. For more information, click here. now supports Internationalization and localization, though we are in the initial stages. This has been accomplished with rails-I8n.
To see it in action, click on the 'Language' drop-down located in the footer section of the page. All the guidelines and best practices for I18n can be found here.
Translations are arranged in the YAML files here, which are set in a similar way to views files. An example for adding translations can be found here.
To add new languages or for additional support, please write to
To report security vulnerabilities or for questions about security, please contact Our Web Working Group will assess and respond promptly.
Help improve Public Lab software!
- Join the discussion list to get involved
- Look for open issues at
- We're specifically asking for help with issues labelled with help-wanted tag
- Find lots of info on contributing at
- Review specific contributor guidelines at
- Some devs hang out in (irc webchat)
- Join our gitter chat at
- Try out some supportive tasks
- Get involved with our weekly community check-ins. For guidelines:
New to open source/free software? Here is a selection of issues we've made especially for first-timers. We're here to help, so just ask if one looks interesting :
Here is a link to our Git workflow.