Vernacular is a pure Java VNC remote desktop client library. Vernacular is open-source and released under the MIT license. If you find it useful, consider buying me a coffee:
The latest releases are available for manual download from our releases page. Vernacular is also available through Maven thanks to JCenter:
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.shinyhut:vernacular:1.10'
The Vernacular .jar file is executable, and it can be used as a simple but functional VNC client. However, Vernacular is primarily intended to be used as a library in third-party applications:
package com.shinyhut.vernacular;
import com.shinyhut.vernacular.client.VernacularClient;
import com.shinyhut.vernacular.client.VernacularConfig;
import com.shinyhut.vernacular.client.rendering.ColorDepth;
public class VernacularDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
VernacularConfig config = new VernacularConfig();
VernacularClient client = new VernacularClient(config);
// Select 8-bits per pixel indexed color, or 8/16/24 bits per pixel true color
// Set up callbacks for the various events that can happen in a VNC session
// Exception handler
// Password supplier - this is only invoked if the remote server requires authentication
config.setPasswordSupplier(() -> "my secret password");
// Handle system bell events from the remote host
config.setBellListener(v -> System.out.println("DING!"));
// Receive content copied to the remote clipboard
config.setRemoteClipboardListener(text -> System.out.println(String.format("Received copied text: %s", text)));
// Receive screen updates from the remote host
// The 'image' parameter is a java.awt.Image containing a current snapshot of the remote desktop
// Expect this event to be triggered several times per second
config.setScreenUpdateListener(image -> {
int width = image.getWidth(null);
int height = image.getHeight(null);
System.out.println(String.format("Received a %dx%d screen update", width, height));
try {
// Start the VNC session
client.start("localhost", 5900);
// Move the mouse
client.moveMouse(400, 300);
// Click a mouse button. Buttons are numbered 1 - 3;
// Type some text.
client.type("Hello world!");
// Copy some text to the remote clipboard
client.copyText("Hello from the VNC client!");
// Let the VNC session continue as long as required
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
} finally {
// Terminate the VNC session and cleanup
For a more realistic example, see Vernacular Viewer in the source distribution, which demonstrates how to use Vernacular to build a working remote desktop application.