Author: Shengkui Leng
This project is a very simple dual-port test utility for serial port under Linux. It only supports full-duplex serial port(RS-232/RS-422), and doesn't support half-duplex serial port(RS-485).
Before run this utility, We must use a serial cable to connect two serial ports (in the example, we use ttyS0 and ttyS1). The program sends predefined data on both ports, and receives data on both ports. Then verifies them with predefined data.
Following are the arguments/options of the program:
dualport port1 port2 [OPTION] ...
port1/port2 Serial port: ttyS0(/dev/ttyS0), ttyS1(/dev/ttyS1), ...
-b baudrate Baudrate: 9600, 19200, ... (default: 115200)
-d databits Databits: 5, 6, 7, 8 (default: 8)
-c parity Parity: 0(None), 1(Odd), 2(Even), 3(Mark),
4(Space) (default: 0)
-s stopbits Stopbits: 1, 2 (default: 1)
-l loop_times Loop times(packets to send): 1~4294967295 (default: 1)
-i interval The interval(miliseconds) between 2 packets:
0~2147483647 (default: 10)
-t packet_size Size of data packet: 1~4096 (default: 1024)
-f Enable hardware flow control (default: no flow ctrl)
-h Print this help message
NOTES: To run this utility, you need to be root user.
(1) Open a terminal.
(2) chdir to the source code directory.
(3) Run "make"
Start program to do read/write test on ttyS0 and ttyS1:
$ ./dualport /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 -b 115200 -l 100
Try "./dualport -h" to get more help information.