Connect/Express font serving middleware. Why? Because Google's font CDN is slow and slow page loads cause users to leave your site.
The middleware looks for requests (expressed in Express terminology):
An example of a match is:
When this route is matched, connect-fonts will generate a CSS response with @font-face declarations that are tailored to the user's browser.
- Include connect-fonts in a node module.
const font_middleware = require("connect-fonts");
- Include the font packs that you want to serve.
const opensans = require("connect-fonts-opensans");
- Add a middleware by calling the
fonts: [ opensans ],
allow_origin: "",
ua: "all",
maxage: 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 180 days
- array of font packs.
- optional - origin to set in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin
header. Defaults to undefined
- optional - force a user-agent. "all" means serve up all font types to all users. If not specified, the user's user-agent header will be used to send the user only the fonts that their user-agent support. Defaults to all
- optional - provide a max-age in milliseconds for http caching. Defaults to 0
- optional - Whether to compress the CSS/font output. Defaults to false
- Add a link tag to include the font CSS. To serve a default, non-locale specific font, include a CSS link that contains the name of the font:
<link href="/opensans-regular/fonts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/ >
- Set your CSS up to use the new font by using the correct font-family.
body {
font-family: 'Open Sans', 'sans-serif', 'serif';
It is possible to specify a host where fonts are located. This is useful if font files are located on another domain.
fonts: [ opensans ],
host: "",
allow_origin: "",
ua: "all",
maxage: 180 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 180 days
If a font pack contains locale optimised fonts, these can be requested by prepending the locale name before the font list in the fonts.css request.
<link href="/en/opensans-regular/fonts.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/ >
from connect-fonts-tools can be used to create locale-optimised subsets.
One of the easiest ways to speed up your site is to minimize the number of resources that are requested. The @font-face CSS provided by fonts.css can be fetched programatically and concatinated with other site CSS during a build step.
var fontMiddleware = connect_fonts.setup(...);
// `ua` - user agent. Use 'all' for a CSS bundle that is compatible with all browsers.
// `lang` - language. generate_css can be called once for each served language, or
// "default" can be specified
// `fonts` - array of font names - e.g. ["opensans-regular", "opensans-italics"]
fontMiddleware.generate_css(ua, lang, fonts, function(err, css) {
var css_output_path = path.join(output_dir, dep);
var css_output_dir = path.dirname(css_output_path);
// create any missing directories.
// finally, write out the file.
fs.writeFileSync(css_output_path, css.css, "utf8");
Once connect fonts setup function is called, a map of URLs=>paths can be retreived using fontMiddleware.urlToPaths. This information can be used in a build step for tools like connect-cachify that need access to the font file to create an caching hash.
A font pack is an npm module like any other node library. Creating a new font pack is similar to creating any npm module.
- Install connect-fonts-tools and run its
npm install connect-fonts-tools
cd node_modules/connect-fonts-tools
- Create a font pack target directory
mkdir <target_path>
- Call
from connect-font-tools with the source directory, the target directory, and the pack name.
connect-fonts-tools/scripts/create_fontpack --pn <pack_name> --sp <source_path> --tp <target_path>
If the font pack is for public use, specify the additional parameters to be placed inside the font pack's package.json and files.
connect-fonts-tools/scripts/create_fontpack --pn <pack_name> --ph <pack_homepage_url> --pr <pack_repo_url> --pb <pack_bugtracker_url> --sp <source_path> --tp <target_path>
- Check your font pack.
is a basic font pack linter. It will check whether pack configuration is sane and if all expected font files are available. To use it, callcheck_font_pack.js
with the absolute path to the font pack's configuration file.
script/check_font_pack.js ~/development/connect-fonts-opensans/index.js
- If the font pack is for public use, publish it to the npm repository
cd <target_path>
npm publish
- Install the pack using npm into your project:
npm install <pack_name>
If the font pack is not to be published to the npm repository, it can be installed to another local project directory:
cd <target_project_dir>
npm install <font_pack_directory>
- Shane Tomlinson
- @shane_tomlinson
MOAR font packs! See connect-fonts-tools for tools to make this easy. connect-fonts-opensans is an example of a finished font pack.
Any updates to connect-fonts are appreciated. All submissions will be reviewed and considered for merge.
This software is available under version 2.0 of the MPL: