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Parse environment variables into Go structs with minimal boilerplate and first-class support for complex data structures


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Parse environment variables into Go structs with minimal boilerplate and first-class support for complex data structures

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Key Features

✨ Zero Configuration Philosophy

  • Field names just work (snake or camel)
  • Nested structs automatically create prefixes
  • No special tags needed

🔄 Smart Tag Fallbacks

  • When field name doesn't match, tries existing json/yaml/toml etc.. tags
  • Explicit env tags available and take highest precedence, but rarely needed

🎯 Simple Environment Variables

  • One string value per variable
  • No need to encode complex data in environment values

🧩 Complex Types Made Simple

  • Maps: SETTINGS_KEY=value
  • Arrays: PORTS_0=8080
  • Nested structs: REDIS_HOST=localhost
  • Slice of structs: SERVERS_0_HOST=host1
  • Map of structs: DATABASES_PRIMARY_HOST=host1

📦 Compatible With Popular Libraries

  • Most features from popular libraries available

🛠️ Fully Configurable

  • No lock-in to specific tag formats, tags are all configurable
  • Default settings are all configurable
  • Parsers/decoders are all configurable

Table of Contents


go get

Quick Start

Set the following environment variables:

# string
export NAME=name
# integer
export PORT=8080
# float
export RATE=1.23
# boolean
export IS_ENABLED=true
# duration
export TIMEOUT=60s
# nested struct
export REDIS_HOST=localhost
export REDIS_PORT=6379
# delimited slice
export TAGS=tag1,tag2,tag3
# indexed slice
export PORTS_0=8080
export PORTS_1=9090
# slice of structs
export SERVERS_0_HOST=localhost1
export SERVERS_0_PORT=8080
export SERVERS_1_HOST=localhost2
export SERVERS_1_PORT=9090
# key-value map
export LABELS=key1:value1,key2:value2
# flat map
export SETTINGS_KEY1=1
export SETTINGS_KEY2=2
# map of structs
export DATABASES_PRIMARY_HOST=localhost1

Parse the environment variables into a struct:

package main

import (


func main() {
	type ServerConfig struct {
		Host string
		Port int

	type Config struct {
		Name      string
		Port      int
		Rate      float64
		IsEnabled bool
		Timeout   time.Duration

		Redis ServerConfig

		Tags    []string
		Ports   []int
		Servers []ServerConfig

		Labels    map[string]string
		Settings  map[string]int
		Databases map[string]ServerConfig


	cfg := Config{}
	if err := envcfg.Parse(&cfg); err != nil {

  Name: %s
  Port: %d
  Rate: %.2f
  IsEnabled: %t
  Timeout: %s
    Host: %s
    Port: %d
  Tags: %v
  Ports: %v
  Servers: [
    {Host: %s, Port: %d},
    {Host: %s, Port: %d}
  Labels: %v
  Settings: %v
  Databases: {
    primary: {Host: %s, Port: %d},
    secondary: {Host: %s, Port: %d}
		cfg.Name, cfg.Port, cfg.Rate, cfg.IsEnabled, cfg.Timeout,
		cfg.Redis.Host, cfg.Redis.Port,
		cfg.Tags, cfg.Ports,
		cfg.Servers[0].Host, cfg.Servers[0].Port,
		cfg.Servers[1].Host, cfg.Servers[1].Port,
		cfg.Labels, cfg.Settings,
		cfg.Databases["primary"].Host, cfg.Databases["primary"].Port,
		cfg.Databases["secondary"].Host, cfg.Databases["secondary"].Port,


  Name: name
  Port: 8080
  Rate: 1.23
  IsEnabled: true
  Timeout: 1m0s
    Host: localhost
    Port: 6379
  Tags: [tag1 tag2 tag3]
  Ports: [8080 9090]
  Servers: [
    {Host: localhost1, Port: 8080},
    {Host: localhost2, Port: 9090}
  Labels: map[key1:value1 key2:value2]
  Settings: map[key1:1 key2:2]
  Databases: {
    primary: {Host: localhost1, Port: 6379},
    secondary: {Host: localhost2, Port: 6380}


The example above demonstrates the three supported syntaxes for both slices and maps:

  • Slices:
    • delimited TAGS=tag1,tag2,tag3
    • indexed PORTS_0=8080
    • struct SERVERS_0_HOST=localhost
  • Maps:
    • key-value pairs LABELS=key1:value1
    • flat keys SETTINGS_KEY1=1
    • struct DATABASES_PRIMARY_HOST=localhost


  • string
  • int, int8, int16, int32, int64
  • uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64
  • bool
  • float32, float64
  • time.Duration
  • structs
  • slices
  • maps


Type support can be extended using the WithKindParser and WithTypeParser options.


  • envcfg.Decoder
  • flag.Value
  • encoding.TextUnmarshaler
  • encoding.BinaryUnmarshaler


Decoder support can be extended using the WithDecoder option.

Struct Tags

Name Description Default Example Tag Example Option
default Default value when environment variable is not set - default:"8080" env:",default=8080"
required Mark field as required false required:"true" env:",required"
notempty Ensure value is not empty false notempty:"true" env:",notempty"
expand Expand environment variables in value false expand:"true" env:",expand"
file Load value from file false file:"true" env:",file"
delim Delimiter for array values , delim:";" env:",delim=;"
sep Separator for map key-value pairs : sep:"=" env:",sep="
init Initialize nil pointers vars init:"always" env:",init=always"
ignore Ignore field false ignore:"true" env:",ignore" or env:"-"
decodeunset Decode unset environment variables false decodeunset:"true" env:",decodeunset"


When setting default values for slices, avoid using the comma as it conflicts with tag parsing. Either use a different delimiter or set array values using environment variables:

type Config struct {
    Tags []string `env:"TAGS,default=tag1,tag2"` // This will fail!

// Do this instead:
type Config struct {
    Tags []string `env:"TAGS,delim=;,default=tag1;tag2"` // Use a different delimiter

Init Options

  • vars - Initialize when values are present with the exception of structs that only have default values. (default)
  • any - Same as vars, but also initialize structs that only have default values.
  • always - Always initialize
  • never - Never initialize


All defaults and tag names can be customized using the With* options. See Configuration Options for more details.

Field Name Mapping

By default, envcfg will search for environment variables using multiple naming patterns until a match is found. Use WithDisableFallback to restrict matching to only the env tag value.

For example:

os.Setenv("CUSTOM_URL",  "value") // Matches env tag
os.Setenv("DATABASEURL",  "value") // Matches struct field
os.Setenv("DATABASE_URL", "value") // Matches snake-case
os.Setenv("DB_URL",      "value") // Matches json tag
os.Setenv("DATA_SOURCE", "value") // Matches yaml tag
// ...

type Config struct {
    DatabaseURL string `json:"db_url" yaml:"data_source" env:"custom_url"`


All environment variable matching is case insensitive.


  • Parse - Parse environment variables into a struct pointer
  • MustParse - Same as Parse, but panics on error
  • ParseAs - Parse environment variables into a specific type
  • MustParseAs - Same as ParseAs, but panics on error


envcfg only parses exported fields.

Configuration Options

Tag Overrides

Option Description Default
WithTagName Tag name for environment variables env
WithDelimiterTag Tag name for delimiter delim
WithSeparatorTag Tag name for separator sep
WithDecodeUnsetTag Tag name for decoding unset environment variables decodeunset
WithDefaultTag Tag name for default values default
WithExpandTag Tag name for expandable variables expand
WithFileTag Tag name for file variables file
WithNotEmptyTag Tag name for not empty variables notempty
WithRequiredTag Tag name for required variables required
WithIgnoreTag Tag name for ignored variables ignore
WithInitTag Tag name for initialization strategy init

Default Overrides

Option Description Default
WithDelimiter Sets the default delimiter for array and map values ,
WithSeparator Sets the default separator for map key-value pairs :
WithDecodeUnset Enables decoding unset environment variables by default false
WithInitAny Sets the initialization strategy to any vars
WithInitNever Sets the initialization strategy to never vars
WithInitAlways Sets the initialization strategy to always vars
WithExpand Enables environment variable expansion by default false
WithNotEmpty Enables validating that values are not empty by default false
WithRequired Enables marking fields as required by default false
WithDisableFallback Enables strict matching using the env tag false

Custom Parser Functions

Option Description
WithTypeParser Registers a custom type parser
WithTypeParsers Registers custom type parsers
WithKindParser Registers a custom kind parser
WithKindParsers Registers custom kind parsers

Custom Decoder Functions

Option Description
WithDecoder Registers a custom decoder function for a specific interface


Option Description
WithLoader Registers a loader

Loader Options

Loader options configure how environment variables are loaded and filtered before being matched to struct fields. These options allow you to:

  • Add different sources of configuration (environment variables, files, external services)
  • Filter which environment variables are considered
  • Transform environment variable names before matching
  • Set default values for when environment variables are not found
Option Description
WithSource Adds a source to the loader
WithSources Adds multiple sources to the loader
WithOSEnvSource Adds OS environment variables as a source
WithMapEnvSource Uses the provided map of environment variables as a source
WithDotEnvSource Adds environment variables from a file as a source
WithPrefix Combines WithTrimPrefix and WithHasPrefix
WithSuffix Combines WithTrimSuffix and WithHasSuffix
WithTransform Adds a transform function that modifies environment variable keys
WithTrimPrefix Removes a prefix from environment variable names
WithTrimSuffix Removes a suffix from environment variable names
WithFilter Adds a custom filter to the loader
WithHasPrefix Adds a prefix filter to the loader
WithHasSuffix Adds a suffix filter to the loader
WithHasMatch Adds a pattern filter to the loader
WithKeys Adds a filter to the loader that only includes specific keys

Configuration Sources

envcfg supports multiple configuration sources that can be used individually or combined. Built-in sources have dedicated With* functions, while custom sources and those maintained as separate Go modules (to keep dependencies isolated) can be added using WithSource.

Option Description
WithOSEnvSource Adds OS environment variables as a source
WithMapEnvSource Uses the provided map of environment variables as a source
WithDotEnvSource Adds environment variables from a .env file as a source
WithSource(awssm.New(...)) Adds AWS Secrets Manager as a source

Source Ordering

Sources are processed in the order they are added, with later sources taking precedence over earlier ones. This ordering allows you to:

  • Set default values by adding a source with defaults first
  • Override values by adding sources with higher precedence later
  • Create a hierarchy of configuration (e.g., defaults → shared config → environment-specific config → local overrides)
          "APP_PORT": "8080",
        "LOG_LEVEL": "info",

In this setup:

  1. Default values are loaded first
  2. Then values from the .env file are loaded next
  3. Then values from AWS Secrets Manager
  4. Finally, OS environment variables take precedence over both defaults and .env file


Parse environment variables into Go structs with minimal boilerplate and first-class support for complex data structures







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