This project is developed to provide easy app based navigation for all sermons available on sermonindex. The goal is to aid users to get a local copy of sermons by downloading them. User has choice to download single or all sermons of a desired speaker. This app is cross platform and should work seamlessly on Windows, MacOS and Linux (debian) without any issues.
A step by step guide how to install this app
* Visit the and go to Download section.
* Choose the Operating System you want to download the installer for and click on download
* Based on your operating system follow below steps further
Please have node.js installed from or your local package repo
git clone
cd SermonIndex-GUI
npm install
npm start
npx electron-packager .
npm run package-win
If you want to make an installer, please use the included .nsi script.
npm run package-mac
npm run create-mac-installer
!! If running debian, please put electron-installer-debian": "^3.0.0"
as a dependency in package.json
npm run package-linux
If wanting to make debian installer:
npm run create-debian-installer
- needle - to integrate sermonindex web APIs
- download - to download the media files
- electron-log - to create application logs
- electron-packager - to package the app
- electron-installer-dmg - to create installer for MacOS
- jquery - to perform DOM operations
Under construction
- Sherebiah Tishbi for initial code
This project is licensed under the ISC License.
- Bro. Greg Gordon for constant support in testing and constant encouragement.
- Bro. Llewellynvdm for APIs.
- Yarusha Tishbi - my beloved wife for providing all moral support and bearing with me while I do not listen to her calls for breakfast/lunch/dinner! 😊
- Krupa Tishbi - my beloved daughter for helping me with mathematical operations, obviously I dont know how to calculate the percentage. 😊