Logs debugging steps from chatgpt on Notion 🚀
I named this project DevLog because its a developer logging tool aka notes taking tool This project was began at a hackathon that I joined from July 20 - July 21 2024 that I am still continuing development on. Check out the slides
Throughout my years of being a generalist engineer, I have been writing down bugs I encountered in notion, I refer to it from time to time when I face the same issues. I call it Chiayi's personal knowledge base. This project will help me automate some of the process.
- Run note_taker.py and it will send error message to OpenAI API
- OpenAI API will list down steps on how to resolve the error message
- Using MultiOn (an open source AI agent tool), the AI agent tool will open Notion and create a new page to jot down the title (error message) and list of steps
p/s: I've only managed to make MultiOn navigate to the title part and jot down the title and not the body of the page for the list of steps
This is the ideal end state of the AI agent:
This is the current end state of the AI agent:
Prerequisite: Ensure that you have poetry
installed: https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation
Make sure that the MultiOn Chrome Extension is installed and enabled (for more details, see here).
Create a .env file and store the following variables:
- Install required packages with poetry:
poetry install
- Run the note taker! Make sure that you are logged into Notion.
poetry run python note_taker.py