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Tell Microsoft to drop ICE as a client or lose us as GitHub users
Dile a Microsoft que abandone a ICE como cliente o nos perderá como usuarios de GitHub
Earlier this year Microsoft proudly announced that it was working with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to "deliver such services as cloud-based identity and access" in order to "help employees make more informed decisions faster" and "utilize deep learning capabilities to accelerate facial recognition and identification." (Emphasis added.)
As members of the open source community and free software movement who embrace values of freedom, liberty, openness, sharing, mutual aid, and general human kindness, we are horrified by and strongly object to the Trump administration's policies of detainment, denaturalization, deportation, and family separation as carried out by ICE.
With Microsoft's acquisition of GitHub, many in the GitHub community were fearful of what new ownership from a company once openly hostile to open source would spell for the future of GitHub, and many of those people chose to leave the site rather than entrust Microsoft with their software. Those of us who remained, because we were willing to give Microsoft a chance to become a steward of the open source movement, will not continue to do so should Microsoft continue to abet the trampling of human and civil rights by this administration and its law enforcement agencies.
We call on Microsoft to end its relationship with ICE and any federal agencies engaged in enforcing the cruel policies of this administration, which is destroying families and jailing asylum seekers, undocumented long-term residents, and even naturalized citizens under threat of deportation. Or, we will simply take our projects elsewhere.
A principios de este año, Microsoft anunció orgullosamente que estaba trabajando con Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) para "ofrecer servicios como identidad y acceso basados en la nube" para "ayudar a los empleados a tomar decisiones mucho más informadas rápidamente" y "utilizar capacidades del aprendizaje profundo" para acelerar el reconocimiento facial y la identificación". (Énfasis añadido.)
Como miembros de la comunidad de código abierto y del movimiento de software libre que adoptan los valores de libertad, mente abierta, intercambio de ideas, ayuda mutua y bondad humana en general, nos parece horrible y nos oponemos firmemente a las políticas de detención, desnaturalización, deportación de la administración de Trump. y a la separación de las familias según lo llevado a cabo por ICE.
Con la adquisición de GitHub por parte de Microsoft, muchos en la comunidad de GitHub temían que la nueva propiedad de una empresa que alguna vez fue abiertamente hostil al código abierto marcara el futuro de GitHub, y muchas de esas personas decidieron abandonar el sitio en lugar de confiarle a Microsoft su software. Aquellos de nosotros que permanecimos, porque estuvimos dispuestos a darle a Microsoft la oportunidad de convertirlos en administradores del movimiento de código abierto, no continuaremos haciéndolo si Microsoft continúa fomentando el pisoteo de los derechos humanos y civiles por esta administración y su aplicación de la ley.
Hacemos un llamamiento a Microsoft para que termine su relación con ICE y cualquier agencia federal involucrada en hacer cumplir las políticas crueles de esta administración, que está destruyendo familias y encarcelando a solicitantes de asilo, residentes indocumentados a largo plazo e incluso ciudadanos naturalizados bajo amenaza de deportación. O simplemente llevaremos nuestros proyectos a otro lado.
To add your name or recommend alterations to this text, please submit a PR! Please insert your name into the list alphabetically to help save us time merging changes. If you are a significant contributor to a major open source project, feel free to add your affiliation. |
Para agregar tu nombre o recomendar modificaciones a este texto, envia un mensaje de Pull Request! Por favor, inserta tu nombre en la lista alfabéticamente para ayudarnos a ahorrar tiempo al fusionar los cambios. Si contribuyes de manera significativa a un gran proyecto de código abierto, puedes agregar tu afiliación. |
- Lea Verou @leaverou (MIT, W3C CSS Working Group, Prism, Mavo, Dabblet)
- Sindre Sorhus @sindresorhus (AVA, XO, Awesome)
- Thomas Fuchs @madrobby (Zepto,, Ruby on Rails)
- Laurie Voss @seldo (
- Jamie Kyle @jamiebuilds (Babel, Yarn, Flow, Parcel, Marionette, Lerna)
- Orta Therox @orta (Artsy, CocoaPods, Danger)
- Rick Waldron @rwaldron (Ecma/TC39, Johnny-Five, Bocoup)
- W.O. Boats @withoutboats (Rust)
- Aakash Sigdel @aakashsigdel
- Aaron Lichtman @alichtman
- Aaron Miller @aaronm04
- Abdul Rauf @armujahid
- Abraham Toriz @categulario
- Abram Stern @aphid
- Absolutely Sweatie @absolutelysweatie (React)
- Adam Yi @adamyi
- Adrien Antoine @adriantoine
- Aiden Holmes @aidenholmes
- ajo8571[@ajo8571] (
- Akil Harris @akilism
- Akshat Sinha @tribalmolecule
- Aleksander S @alekplay
- Alex @alexrdz
- Alex Pardo @alex-pardo
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- Alexander Wallin @alexanderwallin
- Alexis Betancourt @chonchah
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- Alvin Crespo @alvincrespo
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- Andy Galasso @agalasso
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- Anna Henningsen @addaleax
- Anthony Maki @4cm4k1
- Antonio Marin @amarinab
- Antonio Nesic @mutantkeyboard
- Antonopoulos Georgios @AntGeorge
- Apostolos Christodoulou @tol-is
- Arthur Guiot @arguiot
- ArashMidos @arshiamidos
- Arnau Gómez @ArnoldGee
- Arno Fleming @arnoFleming
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- Aung Naing Oo @o92
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- Ban Min Kyoz @banminkyoz
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- Ben Allen @thebenallen
- Ben Nelson @nelsonblaha
- Ben Wiley @benwiley4000
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- Benny Franco @BennyFranco
- Bernard Lin @bernard-lin
- Brett Jones @brettjonesdev
- Brian Yang @brianyang
- Bruno Jardon @bjardon
- Caleb Wells @calebrwells
- Capi Etheriel @barraponto
- Carlos Colón @cppmx
- Carlos Mondo @carlosmondo
- Celti Burroughs @Celti
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- Charles Kenney @charliekenney23
- Chris W. Burke @chriswburke
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- Chris Matzenbach @cmatzenbach
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- Christian Grimberg @ChristianGrimberg
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- Daksh Miglani @DakshMiglani
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- Dang Van Thanh @dangvanthanh
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- Dian Fay @dmfay
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- Elijah Cruz @elijahcruz12
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- Emanuele Stoppa @ematipico
- Eli Bierman @edbedbe
- Eric Gjertsen @ericgj
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- Eric Schultz @ericschultz
- Esteban Rocha @Esteban-Rocha
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- Fabio Fernandes @fabiofl
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- Filipe Kiss @filipekiss
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- Gido @gidoBOSSftw5731
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- Guillermo Cava @gcavanunez
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- gusfravo @gusfravo
- Hanjunrong @Hanjunrong
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- Houdry Pierre-Marie @pmhoudry
- Hugo Angel @hangel
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- Ian Ardouin-Fumat @iaaaan
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- interpeix @interpeix
- Isaiah Joshua M. Samonte @xemasiv
- Jack Keating @jkeat
- Jacob A. Tice @daemonspudguy (Owner of Jacob A. Tice Media, human rights advocate)
- Jacob Beard @jbeard4
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- Jafar Rezaei @sayjeyhi
- James Gallagher @jamesgallagher432
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- Jo Liss @joliss
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- Joey Yan@qq729556278
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- Jordan Danford @jdanford
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- Jordy Cuan @jordycuan
- Joshua Achorn @superp00t
- Josh Smith @joshua-s
- Josh Waller @mdxprograms
- Joshua Cook @joshuacook
- Juan Garay @JuanGaray93
- Juanjo Salvador @JuanjoSalvador
- Julee Burdekin @theship
- Julie Pierson @juliepierson
- J Kelsey-De France @onoffleftright
- Karina Romero @KarinaRomero
- Kathleen Burkhardt @kburk1997 (Rensselaer Center for Open Source, YACS)
- KD Puvvadi @kdpuvvadi
- Kelly Lawrence @lemonslicenebula
- Ken Godoy @kgodoy
- Kevin Corado @KCorado
- Ken Erwin @devopslibrary
- Kevin Gimbel @kevingimbel
- Kevin Lalka @lalka-workco
- Kevin Lopez @shadefoundry
- Kevin Milner @codeslingerMalthius
- Konrad Iturbe @konradit
- Konstantin K. @kkostov
- Kyle Gay @rkyleg
- Kyle Holzinger @kyleholzinger
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- lfuelling @lfuelling
- Libby Horacek @emhoracek
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- Lowell Kissling @lrkissling
- Luke Cashion-Lozell @lukeacl
- Luis Pineda @LuisPinedaJR
- Luna Graysen @non-binary
- Maaz Khan @maazkhan
- Maddie Ford @maddiemford
- Malcolm Laing @montezume
- Manuel Sánchez @manasv
- Marc Bria @marcbria
- Marc Hinse @MadeMyDay
- Marc Vornetran @marc1404
- Maria Peniche @inPen
- Margeaux Spring @cheapwebmonkey
- Mario García @mattdark
- Mark Busenitz @mucbuc
- Mark A. Lane @FooCrypt
- Mark Rabey @MarkRabey
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- Martin Šťovíček @stovmascript
- Matt Barraza-Carl @PerStirpes
- Matt Glaser @oppodeldoc
- Matthew Osterhaus @osterhausm
- Matthew Searles mattxo
- Matthew Swartz @MatthewKush
- Max Rittmüller @maxrimue
- Maxime Carlier @Maxime_48
- Melanie Kat @zicklepop
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- Michael Bishop @miklb
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- Mijndert Stuij @mijndert
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- Moses Wynn @moseswynn
- MrRa1n @MrRa1n
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- Nate Sutton @nmsutton
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- Nicholas Sahler @nicksahler
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- Nick Hezaveh @omidfi
- Nicolás Iglesias @webpolis
- Nicolai Süper @nicolaisueper
- Nitish Kumar @mintunitish
- Noah Hall @nthall
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- oldosfan @oldosfan
- Onciu Florin Cosmin @bboydflo
- Orlando Ceniccola @and0rl
- Owen @Dev-Osmium
- Pablo Salmones @DevPGSV (LibreLabUCM)
- Pascal Jufer @paescuj
- Pat Li @xueyuanl
- Patrick Curl @patrickcurl
- Paul Nolan @close-paren
- Pedro Rodrigues @pedro2555
- Peter Benjamin @petermbenjamin
- Peter Bittner @bittner
- Petter Karlsrud @ptrkrlsrd
- Philip Beadle @philipbeadle
- Philip Nelson @philipmnelson
- Randolf Richardson @randolf
- Raymond Cano @rayraycano
- Rein Henrichs @reinh
- Remus Buzatu @rbuzatu90
- Reshadf @reshadf
- Rex Low @rexlow
- Rishi Javia @rishijavia
- Robert James Gabriel @RobertJGabriel (OpenDyslexic, PWA Awards)
- Robert Fridzema @qubist
- Robert White @r2453
- Rodrigo Bermúdez @rodrigobdz
- Roshan @roshbhatia
- Ruth Miller @mcplanner
- Ross Strachan @rbstrachan
- Ryan Harrison @rmharrison
- Ryan Hendrickson @rynhndrcksn
- Ryan Lewis @archae0pteryx
- Ryan P. C. McQuen @ryanpcmcquen
- Sam Jackson @samfromcadott
- Sam Lloyd @binchicken
- Sarah Majors @sfmajors373
- Sarah Mullins @rynogg
- Saurav Tomar @sauravtom
- Scott Chu @howtobescott
- Sean Dean @anthropos9
- Sean Matheson @ctrlplusb
- Shannon Drew @sdrewdle
- Sharath Ramkumar @sharath
- Shauna Gordon-McKeon @shaunagm
- Shawon Ashraf @ShawonAshraf
- Shealan Forshaw @shealan
- Shengming Yuan @ssysm
- Snowden Fu @fuzheng1998
- Stefen Wakefield @xstefen
- Stephen Rivas @sprjr
- Sumit Sen @sumit1sen
- Sushant Rao @sushant10
- t1st3 @t1st3
- Tao He @taohexxx
- TaoQuixote @TaoQuixote
- Tatiana Tylosky @tati
- TechdudeGames @techdudegames
- Ted Dobyns @tedajax
- Tevye Cowan @tevyefegeleh
- Thijs van der Vossen @fingertips
- Thomas Ganley @tganley
- Tien Pham @tienpham94
- Titus Wormer @wooorm
- Tiago Dias @skullwritter
- Tiktaalik Dreaming @tiktaalikdreaming
- Tobi Schäfer @p3k
- Tom Houlé @tomhoule
- Tom Lazar @tomlazar
- Tommy Kelly @tomkel
- Tomas Lycken @tlycken
- Travis Welch @trav3711
- Tucker Boniface @heyitswither
- Tyler Thompson @tptee
- Umayah Abdennabi @sudohalt
- Ursin Filli @ursinn
- Valentin Iovene @tgy
- Victor Saiz @vectorsize
- Viktor Kuroljov @viktor-ku
- Vinicius Rodrigues @Suburbanno
- vøid @makmm
- wangbo @13889202209
- wencan @wencan
- Wiktoria Tomzik @wiktoriatomzik
- Wilfrid "Zeepington" G.@zeepington
- Will @qubist
- Will H @def14nt
- Worms @MarcoWorms
- xDrixxyz @xDrixxyz
- Yanely Ramirez @yxnely
- Yaohan Chen @hagabaka
- Yash Garg @yashgarg1232
- Yoann Magli @ysris
- Yusuff Adeyemo @yusadolat
- Zac Anger @zacanger
- Zach Holman @holman (GitHub employee #9)
- Zach Jones @zachtjones
- Zachary Manesiotis @manesioz
- Zalusan "Jason" @zalusan
- Zeerak Waseem @zeerakw
- zer0crash @CyberSpace7
- zomars @zomars
Notice: Although various projects and organizations may be listed next to signees, these signatures do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone except the signees.