Netflix Clone Project OVERVİEW The Netflix Clone is a responsive web application replicating Netflix's landing page. It demonstrates proficiency in HTML, CSS, and responsive web design principles. The project includes interactive elements such as buttons, input fields, and multimedia features.
FEATURES Responsive Design: Adapts seamlessly across different screen sizes using media queries. Hero Section: A prominent banner with a call-to-action and email subscription. Informative Sections: Highlights various features, including offline content, cross-platform compatibility, and user profiles. Multimedia Integration: Includes videos and images for dynamic content. Interactive FAQ Section: Hover effects and toggles for common questions. Footer Section: Includes links to frequently accessed pages.
TECHNOLOGIES USED HTML5 CSS3 Responsive Design (Media Queries) Multimedia (Video and Images)
Usage Open the index.html file in your browser to explore the landing page. Hover over buttons and FAQ sections for interactive effects. Resize the browser window to observe responsive design features.
Screenshots Hero Section Info Area Footer Section
Future Enhancements Interactive FAQ Section: Expand questions dynamically on click. Back-End Integration: Add functionalities like user authentication and content streaming. Multilingual Support: Extend language options for a global audience. Acknowledgements Inspired by Netflix's official website design. Developed as a practice project for honing web development skills