In this repository you can find an implementation for fully connected neural networks in UFL. This implementation was used for some examples in the paper "Hybrid FEM-NN models: Combining artificial neural networks with the finite element method".
The neural network is defined through the ANN
class, which is imported by
from ufl_dnn.neural_network import ANN
FEniCS and dolfin-adjoint must also be imported in order to enable automatic differentiation:
from fenics import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
The ANN class has two required keyword arguments layers
and bias
is a list of the number of outputs of each layer, with the first element being the number of inputs to the neural network.
is a list of booleans of length len(layers)-1
specifying if each layer has an additive bias.
layers = [3, 10, 1]
bias = [True, True]
net = ANN(layers, bias=bias)
By default the activation function is ufl.tanh
, but a different one can be specified through the sigma
keyword argument.
Once the network is defined, it acts as a function that returns a UFL expression representing the neural network. For a spatially varying neural network, it can be used as follows
mesh = UnitSquareMesh(Nx, Ny)
x, y = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)
form = net(x, y) * dx
or with a function
f = Function(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
form = net(x, y, f) * v * dx
Dolfin-adjoint can be used to optimize the weight of the network.
Once you have trained your network, you can save it to a file through pickle
Saving and loading can be done as follows:
# Save network"trained_network.pkl)
# Load network
net = ANN("trained_network.pkl")
For more complete code examples, see the tests
This package requires FEniCS and dolfin-adjoint in order to work. The package itself can be installed with pip after cloning this repo
pip install .
or directly
pip install git+
Note: Right now this package depends on a branch of dolfin-adjoint. Hopefully this is merged into the master branch soon. Meanwhile you can install a compatible version of dolfin-adjoint by running:
pip install git+