This is a React web application where you can navigate through different food categories and get the recipe for any of them, along with a video tutorial, ingredients, and instructions. Each recipe is loaded with a URL displaying the recipe ID.
Based on the Catalogue of Dog Clothes project specifications.
- A list of available food categories is displayed initially.
- You see a list of recipes within a selected category.
- When a recipe from the results is clicked a new component with the recipe details is loaded. The URL changes and will include the recipe's ID.
- In the recipe view, you have the name of the recipe, its origin, ingredients and quantities, a video tutorial, and written instructions.
- You can navigate back to the home page, and still see the previously selected category.
- Design is partially responsive although not completely optimized for smartphones.
- Filter by ingredients.
- Add layout for smaller devices.
- Search by dish name.
- Clone this repository and access the project's directory.
- Run "npm install".
- Run "npm test" to run the tests.
- Run "npm start" to work on the development server.
- JavaScript/ES6
- Jest
- React
- React Hooks
- React Router
- Redux
- React Redux
- MealsDB API
- Heroku
👤 Sebastian Gil Rodriguez
- Website:
- Github: @sebGilR
- Twitter: @sebGilR
- Linkedin: sebastiangilrodriguez
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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