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iCloud 2021 privacy problems

Sean P. Myrick V19.1.7.2 edited this page Sep 19, 2021 · 1 revision

iCloud 2021 privacy problems

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2021 August

Apple iCloud August 2021 controversy


Today, I learned of something stupid Apple did. They are now scanning all iCloud media for child abuse content. Now you are probably asking, how is that bad? Donโ€™t you hate child abuse? Yes I do, but there is a massive flaw with this: algorithms arenโ€™t that good yet. When I was using OneDrive, it had such poor recognition of everyday objects that it was incredibly laughable. Applying this filter is like using Google Translate to pass a PhD College exam in Esperanto, It isnโ€™t accurate enough. I think that Apple should still try this, but they shouldnโ€™t pull a Google/YouTube and leave everything to the machine, there needs to be people checking the incidents of child abuse to make sure it isnโ€™t someone doing something innocent like recording videos of a fish that the algorithm may think is of someone dropkicking a child down the stairs, as the algorithm really can be that bad. Imagine taking a picture of a burrito and uploading it to iCloud, then having the FBI come and arrest you and take away your children, because the algorithm was that bad. Algorithms are easily fooled. YouTube is a very primary example of this.

The problem: leaving it to the machines

The solution: have a real person or a team of people (if a single person can't be trusted) verify each claim of child abuse to make sure the algorithm isn't sending an innocent person to prison

This section was last updated on August 5th 2021 at 11:29 pm


I am keeping this section until I can document it better, the situation is worse than expected. I wasn't aware enough of this, and I know that this is a bad thing, and that Apple is falling on its small privacy platform, which was never really very legitimate due to the majority of Apple software being proprietary. This is yet another example of the "Think of the Children" argument, where emotions are evoked as children are used as scapegoats, so that Apple can take away user freedom without much setback. This strategy has unfortunately worked many times ever since the September 11th 2001 attacks, but luckily, society seems to be figuring this out, as it wasn't received well by the privacy community and people outside of the privacy community. Facebook even had the audacity to make an announcement that they oppose this, while good, they are in absolutely no position to say anything, and they are trying to look like the good guys by taking advantage of a weakened Apple.

This is Apple performing what is called damage control they know that if they were just caught doing this, it would create a much bigger controversy. Because they did it like this, it created a controversy, but unfortunately, people are likely to forget about it and move on.

... But not everyone will forget and move on...

This will live on in their history, and time will not heal this wound. Apple is completely rotten now, and needs to be thrown in the trash.

This section was last updated on August 12th 2021 at 10:06 pm

2021 September

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2021 October

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2021 November

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2021 December

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More sources needed, Wikipedia should not be the only source. Wikipedia is not supposed to be used as a source, and other sources are needed.

Article info

Written on: 2021 Sunday September 19th at 1:47 pm

Last revised on: 2021 Sunday September 19th at 1:47 pm

File format Markdown document (*.md *.mkd *.markdown)

Article version: 1 (2021 Sunday September 19th at 1:47 pm)

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