Django-Voting is a basic app for tracking the number of votes placed for any object in the database. It provides the ability to upvote and downvote.
This project is based on django-hitcount by Damon Timm.
Most of the basic functionality you'd need for a simple voting system has been implemented. Possible additions are:
- Better JavaScript support for ajax calls
- Better UI/utilities for the admin site
- Rate-limiting to avoid vote-spamming
- Options for allowing users to vote multiple times on an object
Simplest way to formally install is to run:
./ install
Or, you could do a PIP installation:
pip install -e git://
Or, you can link the source to your site-packages
directory. This is useful
if you plan on pulling future changes and don't want to keep running
./ install
cd ~/src
git clone
sudo ln -s `pwd`/django-voting/voting `python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()"`/voting
Then modify your, adding the package voting in INSTALLED_APPS
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'^site/ajax/vote$', # you can change this url if you would like
name='votecount_update_ajax'), # keep this name the same
The ajax call to the update_vote_count_ajax
view requires two variables:
- direction The vote direction. +1 for upvote and -1 for downvote.
- votecount_pk The pk of the object to be voted on. Can be retrieved using the {% get_vote_object_pk for [object] %} tag (see below).
- csrfmiddlewaretoken (optional) The CSRF token. Only required if CSRF validation is enabled.
The ajax view returns two variables back:
- status "success" for successful votes and "failed" for votes that did not get recorded.
- net_change The net change of the object's vote total.
Don't forget to load the custom tags with: {% load voting_tags %}
Return total votes for an object:
{% get_vote_count for [object] %}
Get total votes for an object as a specified variable:
{% get_vote_count for [object] as [var] %}
Get total votes for an object over a certain time period:
{% get_vote_count for [object] within ["days=1,minutes=30"] %}
Get total votes for an object over a certain time period as a variable:
{% get_vote_count for [object] within ["days=1,minutes=30"] as [var] %}
Get or create the pk for the given object:
{% get_vote_object_pk for [object] %}
Get or create the pk for the given object as a specified variable:
{% get_vote_object_pk for [object] as [var] %}