react-rellax-wrapper provides a react wrapper around the Rellax js library. This allows for a more idomatic React way of handling parallax with the Rellax library.
Rellax Library
Or run your own
$ git clone && cd react-rellax-wrapper
$ npm install
$ npm run storybook
$ npm install react-rellax-wrapper
$ yarn add react-rellax-wrapper
Import RellaxWrapper and wrap the component that you want to add the parralex feature to with RellaxWrapper.
import RellaxWrapper from 'react-rellax-wrapper'
// or
import { RellaxWrapper } from 'react-rellax-wrapper'
const App = () => (
<RellaxWrapper speed={7}>
<h1>I am really fast!</h1>
<RellaxWrapper speed={-9} percentage={0.9}>
<p>I am really slow</p>
All props are optional
If a prop is ommited it will default to the rellax's generic default. For example if speed is omited default speed is -2.
All traditional options for Rellax can also be used such as callback, center, and relativeToWrapper.
interface RellaxWrapperProps {
style?: React.CSSProperties;
className?: string;
zIndex?: number;
* Centered parallax elements in your viewport. 0.5 is centered.
percentage?: number;
* Specify different speeds for xs devices
xs?: number;
* Specify different speeds for mobile devices. Default breakpoint is 576.
mobile?: number;
* Specify different speeds for tablets. Default breakpoint is 768.
tablet?: number;
* Specify different speeds for desktop devices. Default breakpoint is 1201.
desktop?: number;
* Will run on every animation event
* @param positions Object with x and y positions of the rellax element
callback?(positions: { x: number; y: number }): void;
* Enable the ability to center parallax elements in your viewport
center?: boolean;
* Enable horizontal parallax. This feature is intended for panoramic style websites, where users scroll horizontally instead of vertically
horizontal?: boolean;
* Allow decimal pixel values
round?: boolean;
* A negative value will make it move slower than regular scrolling, and a positive value will make it move faster
speed?: number;
* Enable vertical parallax
vertical?: boolean;
* By default, the position of parallax elements is determined via the scroll position of the body. Passing in the wrapper property will tell Rellax to watch that element instead
wrapper?: string | HTMLElement;
* Do we want rellax element to be relative to the mentioned wrapper.
relativeToWrapper?: boolean;
* Each breakpoint value represents the resolution for mobile, tablet, desktop respectively.
breakpoints?: [number, number, number];